Funfacts, Easter Eggs and References

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Those are funfacts about me and the book, references of the characters and easter eggs in the story! Had a lot of fun writing it and I thought it would be a great way to close this story. 
So let's go!

-All Pretiosi family names have a Latin origin. I learned Latin in school (don't remember a thing tho) and I like creating the names for my characters out of Latin words, it gives the character a special and unique name (of course that only works in fantasy AUs, I wouldn't name a character Aquantura in a high school AU or smth)
For example ignis is Latin for fire (I was surprised how a lot of people actually know that :D)
Also Vilis is Latin and means something like "worthless", Pretiosi comes from "pretiosus" which means precious or glorious.


-Henry is actually George's second name (okay probably everyone knew that. Don't judge me.)


-A lot of you figured out how the servant IDs work: Clay gets GCY3 as he works in section G, the two letters in the middle are the first and last letters of his name and the number is the spot in the alphabet of the first letter of his name (C is the 3rd letter in the alphabet.)
Lame, I know, but I thought it looked cooler with a number :)


-Chapter 7: the favourite stone of Cliff (Clay's brother) is pink and 1,5 inches big, that's a reference to the Video where Dream gave George 5000 dollars to spend on Amazon. Kinda funny


-First I wanted to call this book "Purple Mirror" because of Clay's ability but changed it last minute to "Purple Eyes". I thought that would not say too much about the plot.


-The letters of the sections G, H and I which are on the same floor and share a cantine are actually George's initials (George Henry Ignis). Funny thing is, that wasn't even my intention, it's an accidental easter egg :D


-Did anyone notice that the first chapter is called Green Eyes and the last one's called Purple Eyes? That represents the process Clay is going through and I just think it looks cool and closes the story really well.


-Chapter 11: "Anything you say?"
Reference. Of course.


-I wrote this whole story on my phone. I don't know why, but I just can't write on my laptop. Probably because I did all my school stuff on my laptop and everytime I sit in front of the display my creativity just vanishes. The sentences I write on my laptop are blunt, they're cold and boring. But as soon as I sit on my phone, I have so many creative thoughts and the words just fly towards me.
Idk if anyone cares but I think it's kinda interesting :D


-Chapter 9: "So Clay slowly came back to option one- that Henry was not an Ignis and lived somewhere he could not be found."
Well-… you all figured that one out. Lol.


-Many people were assuming that the soldier Zakin is Skeppy- I can neither confirm nor disconfirm this. You can see him as Skeppy or just a random person in the story, that's up to you :)


-Maybe you have noticed the phrase "But maybe it was just imagination" appeared quite often throughout the chapters. I really liked to use it because it clarifies Clay's torn personality, how he doesn't know what is real and what is in his head aswell as he tries to figure out what's good and what's bad.


-Chapter 4: Clay wonderes "who would eat something with gold wrapped around it?"
Well, the Beast Crew would haha


-The whole Henry-story wasn't supposed to go this far at first but I found it funny to mess with people and I love how everyone complains about how stupid Clay is in the beginning xD
And it's a great character development :)
Also there's a comment writer who said in Chapter 6 that they think Henry might actually not be George because I wrote that Henry is only a little bit shorter than Clay. LOL.



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