am i who i think i am

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if this body had a different host

and not my soul entwined with my limbs

blowing life into my empty veins

the things I call "mine"

if I were In a different body

would i have labelled myself differently

would i laugh nervously

instead of telling her to not disrespect me

or would i silence

the laughing of the hyenas

that fed on the dreams

that i left behind

because they were too heavy to carry

now that i carry the weight of their opinions too

if i saw myself in the mirror

and not thought girls like me

are supposed to act cute

would i have tore at his flesh when

he laid his hands on me

if i had a different body

would i have bought

another set of self limiting beliefs

would i have created a cage for myself as well

right after i had been

set free

I'm fashionably late to loving myselfWhere stories live. Discover now