Chapter 11- The ICCAs

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"The aim is to flex your vocal range without destroying it and having to go back to square-one. Scales, all that," I explained to Chloe.

"Gotcha." Chloe nodded as I was handed a microphone.

I wore a yellow top with a navy-blue blazer and pants. I had my scarf tied around my neck, adding a little tradition to the remix. I wore navy blue high heel boots, making a clicking sound as I walked over to the curtain and watched the Trebles.

As Donald rapped, he looked over at the curtain, winking. I blushed as he spun back to the crowd, regaining focus. None of the others noticed, thankfully, since they were talking amongst themselves. I cheered when they finished, smiling brightly at my brother.

"I love you, awesome nerds." Beca smiled.

"Yeah. You guys are the best," Amy agreed. "Even though some of you are pretty thin, I think that all of you have fat hearts, and that's what matters."

"Okay, let's smash this," I said excitedly.

We walked on stage, getting into position and waiting. Beca blew the pitch pipe and counted. Aubrey and Chloe started us off. We waited a moment before I kicked us off. We danced, smiling as Cynthia-Rose sang.

We changed the tempo as Beca took the lead. I loved how she included a classic song into the mix. We gathered into a formation as I took the beat boxing over from Lilly. I beamed as Jesse raised his hand in the air and I stood next to Beca.

We raised our hands in the air, making the crowd go wild. We started another part, Chloe and I singing the low parts. I rapped when it was my turn, making Donald smile and cheer.

We did our own thing during the last part, ending in a group pose. The crowd stood and cheered, making us beam. Mom and Dad held hands as they cheered for us. I laughed, hugging Beca next to me.

"You did that," Andy said proudly.

"We did that," I said in disbelief as I hugged him.

"(Y/n)!" Dad called, making me let go of Andy and walk over to them.

"We're so proud of you, sweetheart," Mom said, hugging me tightly.

"That was amazing, truly." Dad smiled.

"I'm glad you think so." I nodded.

"We've always thought so. Every one of your performances," Mom assured me.

"Okay. Go congratulate Andrew. I need to catch up with the Bellas," I said, pointing at him in the stands.

I went backstage and felt my arm being tugged. The Bellas were behind a curtain, out of sight. I turned abruptly and met Donald's lips, taking me by surprise. I kissed him for a quick moment before looking at the curtain.

"Can we enjoy this later? I don't want to get scolded by Aubrey right now," I said, letting our noses brush.

"Celebratory night under the stars. How does that sound?" Donald suggested.

"Sounds perfect."

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