Wrenched heart

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I really loved the response on the twist, so here is your treat! Bheem and yudhi reunion! Yudhi will meet pandavas and others in next chapter...now spam my comments like good people..

@Dharmanandini your heart wrenching chapter is here, hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yudhi went to the announcing balcony and..

"Dear citizens, as much I loved being your king for so long I guess, i want to step down.. So, I Maharaj Yudhishthira of mathura hereby declare my sister as the new monarch of mathura.. She is not oblidged to marry to get the throne.." he declared as everyone flocked down, below his window and among them was one bulky brahmin who looked at him stunned. They analyzed his royal outfit and knew it was him, their jyesth. HE WAS ALIVE..

"But I don't want the throne. I-" He heard her voice from back in barely above a whisper. The subjects should not hear their conversation.

"Were you asked anything, maharani?" he said cutting her short giving a sarcastic reply while pressing on the word maharani.

"Listen to me. I-" she tried again.

"You want to kill me. It is as plain as it is. And I don't accept that." He again cut her blankly.

"I am trusting you with the citizens, they are a part of me. Please don't try to kill them. Take my life but please don't harm them. You are dhamanandini, you are dad's daughter, we have the same blood. You can't hurt them." He said as he rushed down at the best he could as she stood there with a smile on her face as the cool breeze hit her face, she would never hurt the citizens now..

The subjects chanted "Maharani Dhriti ki jai!"

While the brahmin just stared at Yudhishthira with his pupils blown. It could not be.. When yudhi justled through the citizens he felt a tight grip on his hand, he tried his best to jerk it off, but it got tighter. As if, that person did not want to let him go.

He did not look back at who held him just let them drag him wherever they wanted, after all he had nowhere to go anyways.

After some time he felt pinned to a tree trunk with sudden force and was about to fall but felt a strong grip on his hand...He closed his eyes bracing himself for the fall but then felt a sharp pull upwards and due to the force he might have fallen face front but somehow managed to balance himself.

He opened his eyes and stared in his brother's eyes as he heard his whisper.. "Jyesth"

"Anuj, first of all next time be careful of how you hold me. First my wrist is red because of how tight you held me, and then you pinned me so hard that I nearly fell if you would not have held my hand." Yudhi rambled rather cutely.

''Sorry jyesth." Bheem looked down embarrassed.

"It is ok bheem." Yudhi breathed. But made sure to not place his trust in them again, infact anyone ever again, he had been betrayed too many times.

"U are alive!" they both exclaimed together for each other.

"That was cool, we should do that more often." Bheem said laughing trying to lighten the air because he knew what was to come.. But yudhi seemed very distracted and looked everywhere except bheem.

"See, jyesth, if it about that day we accused you of murder, I am really sorry. Hurting you was never our intention. It is just that circumstances.." bheem started a whirl of apologies.

"Circumstances?" yudhi cut him short and laughed bitterly. "Why do they always effect me? I am tired of everything."

"I am so sorry I allowed this anger to conquer my inner peace. I didn't mean to hurt you, jyesth. I'm working on myself, and my inner frustration will not bother you anymore. Is it too late to say that I'm sorry? I hope it's not, because my heart will break into million little pieces if you don't want me anymore. I've made a huge mistake, and I will do anything to make it up to you." Bheem said in a breath.

''Forgiveness? If you want it from heart, I can't but just for solace, you know I won't lie. By now I have started talking to myself because no one listens. In the end no one cares...I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. There is just so much hurt, disappointment, and oppression one can take... The line between reason and madness grows thinner. I am tired of being hurt..." He replied with a shaking voice.

Bheem looked down, his guilt would not let him look up- he hurted his brother, his jyesth so much.

"I am sorry, please trust me jyesth." He whispered barely audible. It was hard to see vrikodar like this..

"Maybe I was destined to forever to place my trust in people who would break it. Maybe there's a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again ." yudhi replied..

"please, jyesth, I would do anything..." bheem begged him...

"Trusting you all again will be like giving myself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the you may just walk off with my skin leaving me all alone in tears...You will never realize how much you hurt me, nor will you know my worth.." yudhi replied blinking away tears.. He did not have it in him to do it again.

"We were left with nothing because of a doubting you was like acid that ate its way through our entire family." Bheem said with tears..

"You did trust me," yudhi whispered. "Just not the same way I trusted you. You doubted me because of your pathetic misconceptions. You hated me."

"I was afraid. Of getting hurt in other ways. To be truthful, I still am." Yudhi added as  Bheem's thumb stroked his cheek wiping the tear. "I would never hurt you again." Bheem whispered.

"I don't think you can promise me that." Yudhi squeezed his bruised fingers. "But it makes things a bit more equal, to know that I can hurt you, too." Yudhi added.

Bheem said simply, without any trace of irony, "You are killing me."

''You already killed me. But I will try again. Cause there is nothing I can loose at this point." Yudhi replied emotionlessly.

"I hate myself for doing it to you. Sometimes I just can't control myself, and I hurt people I love without even knowing it. I'm working on that problem. I will do anything to protect you from my destructive behavior. Just come back, mata and arjun, kul and dev must be waiting.." bheem said hugging yudhi and yudhi hugged him back. The earth witnessed their reunion..

"I have got anything to loose, my heart is broken, I am a heartless person." Yudhi said in self-hatred..

"No you are not, you are the most compassionate person I know.." bheem said hugging him tighter nearly squeezing yudhi with his bear hug..

"I don't want to let go.." yudhi

"Let us go to meet mata and anujo." Bheem said softly.. and yudhi just nodded.


Phew, how was this?

Like really emotional..

What will be arjun nakul and sahadev reaction?

Mata kunti's reaction?

Who all are excited??

What will happen next?

Please vote and comment!!!!!!!!!

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