𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷: 𝚆𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎 𝙽𝚘 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎

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I'm well aware this chapter sucks But the next chapters are better
Hello. My name is Aeron. I'm 20 years old. Uh I have long hair...uh I don't fucking know what else I'm supposed say.

What about a little personal information...My mother died in an accident when I was 5. Still hurts but what can you do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So here I am running for my life away from the big bad wolf named Alexander Pierce and his army of princesses.

It's funny though really is because this is my what? 6th time escaping? Yea around that so this time was no different...

I was able to run for a little after I crossed into god knows what state I am in but all I know is that I'm no longer in California

I slept somewhat in the woods. I found a cool cave so I just camped out for the night ate some probably poisonous berries I picked up a day ago. Put them in a small pouch and went on my way.

I continued to walk for a little my end goal -Washington DC- I gotta little message from a man named Nicolas J. Fury after a stole a phone from some poor guy. He wants to meet up with me to discuss a few things. What are "things" I haven't got a clue. For all I care I could be leading myself to death. The only people I know in my life is unfortunately Alexander and then James.


I miss him. He left Hydra a couple years ago. He was the only one that I ever really talked to besides HIM so it was nice. They told me he died so I'm not sure who or what to believe anymore. As for this Nick guy I don't know him nor do I know who he works for so I hope he doesn't kill me



The most affective method of traveling
(That's for book purposes please don't actually do this)

I just got onto a bus but holy shit are some people special

This one guy asked me if I wanted a cigarette I of course said yes but his lighter...was in the shape of a...YEA THAT USE YOUR IMAGINATION. So now I'm on a bus. To get this Nick guy. And I'm sitting next to a mother of 2. Her child is staring at me and it's making me uncomfortable....the other one was to invested in her phone and the mother...she's sleeping she probably needs it.

"Why do you have a big hole in your ear" the little girl said while sitting in the small seat next to me

"Uh because it looks cool..." I looked down to her to see her looking intensely at my ears

"Does it hurt?" she asked

"Not anymore" I said

"Oh ok" she said then turning back to her brother to watch the show with him while the mother is still asleep. I'm not interested in children but I wouldn't mind adopting.

Over the course of a few minutes more people get off and on but my stop was next. Washington DC was never on my bucket list but I've oddly never been here before.


Holy shit.

How in the hell am I supposed to find his office in this place???

Whatever. He gave me basic instructions.
'Go to the front desk and tell them your here for S.H.E.I.L.D business she'll give you a floor and room number'

And with that being said I walked up to the nicely dressed women. She looked about...27-34...but I'm not really liking this place at all so he's probably going to kill me.

"Good evening how may I help you sir" The nicely dressed woman asks

"I'm here for S.H.E.I.L.D business" yea yea I'm not the best with people don't hate on me geez

"That would be floor 20 and room 12"

"Thank you" I walked towards the elevator and got in. Well damn looks like someone had a rough day the elevator looks beat up and glass is missing. You'd think for such a nice building they'd fix that. Oh well. I walked out of the elevator and turned to walk to room 12 and my heart stops for a few seconds...

So this book is a better version of my previous one lol but the events in this book have absolutely nothing to do with the original Avengers time line (I just put Steve's elevator reference in because I loved it) so things might be out of order but I don't care I don't like following timelines

Do not copy. Do not put in another language. And no trying to make this your own story.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora