38. Blossoming Bud

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Day 13

Jimin felt his body aching so badly, he has just awake from a nap. After that stormy night, he didn't saw his yoongi hyung even for once.

It seems like alpha is erasing his traces from Jimin's life.

The time he regained consciousness after fainting on that night, the next day all he got to see was another note which his alpha had wrote to him.

Jimin take a good rest, don't go out make sure to stay home.

Younger didn't know anything about what happened after he fainted that day. But his body starts to feel weird. He couldn't eat and sleep well.

Flashbacks to 4 days ago.

Appa, Jimin has fainted again please come there with a healer, please.

Heavily painting Yoongi has run all the way to the main min mansion ignoring heavily pouring rain to ask for some help from his father. He didn't know what to do alpha was too confused and crying when he reaching the main Min mansion.

Once he is informed what happen to his father, yoongi has again run back to his home even without wasting a second.

His inner wolf is howling by the thought that it happened because of the close proximity they had.

Arghh why I did hug him, why did I let my emotions to take over ? please god don't let him suffer I am the one who did wrong so punish me, don't hurt him.
This is what all alpha was thinking the whole time he run back to the house.

When he reached home he saw the way their front door has wide open.
Yoongi loses his sane, he ran to the younger's room like a man who completely loses his sanity.

Min Jung ho also has come to the couple's house with the head healer of the pack infirmary.

All three males have frozen on the spot when they saw the person standing beside Jimin's bed. The room is covered with a mist like every time cloaked lady appeared.


When did you came here?

Shhh.......... be quiet, he needs to rest, the cloaked lady has stepped aside signaling the head healer to check Jimin.

Guardian of the lunar grove has kept her promise, the promise she has given them to be there whenever they need her assistance.

Please tell me what happen to him ? all soaked Yoongi who is still in damped clothes ask Althea wiping off his tear mixed water drops away from his face.

Follow me.

The cloaked lady has to lead them to the living room, to avoid disturbing Jimin's sleep.

"The thing happening to Jimin wasn't supposed to happen at all. That's why I asked you two to stay away from each other. I asked it to confirm one thing and it's already starting to happen.

Even I don't know what we have to do in this situation, things start to happen in the most unexpected way all we could do is just wait and see. So alpha ready to endure the consequences even it'll turn to a happy ending or a dead end.

As soon as Althea finished her words the healer has come out from the doors.

Yoongi has jumped in front of the old man holding both hands.
What happens to him? Is he fine?

He is okay now nothing happened seriously. Don't stress him alpha, it's looking like he has undergone a lot of pressure. Don't make him worried it's not good for his current situation.
What did you mean by the current situation what happened to him?

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