The Sons

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Three mothers of health, thinking of themselves the fairest,

sits on a bench, arguing over which son's the finest

The first coughs, "You know, my son loves me so much he sends me flowers every Shabbos."

she says as she gives her hair a toss!

Another spoke "You call that love? My son calls me every day!"

Yet she looks to the back, sways her eyes to the left as she leans for a bite of food on her tray!

"That's nothing," says the third woman. "My son is in therapy five days a week. And the whole time, he talks about me!"

And all laughed, hugged. After all they were siblings, waiting in line to take a pee...

(The star of david symbol just symbolizes that this poem isn't suppose to be for bad or rude intentions but a poem of friendship and fun)

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