🤍THREE: He Never Cries...🤍

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"How can he do this? HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO SICK AND DO THIS?" Jordan's voice echos through my body. I can tell I'm not at the school anymore. "I-I-I-I was supposed to help her keep her safe! God what have I done?!!" He stresses. I hear him slide down the wall, a small sob escapes him. He never cries.


"Jordan. It's not your fault." That's my mother. Her sweet voice that attempts to reassure Jordan. He never cries.

I can't take it anymore so I slowly open my eyes. Light absorbs into my pupils which results in me instantly shutting them. So I blink while I open my eyes.

"Jordie..." I whisper. My throat is dry, I'm so thirsty.

"Oh my god...Nicky!" He places a hand on my forehead and strokes my hair. "I'm so sorry" he panics. The look on his face is something I haven't seen before. It's utter sadness and shock. He's never like this.

His always up-spirited. "It's not your fault" I croak. "Can I have water?" I ask. He nods and leaves my vision. He returns as my mother is helping me sit up.

I'm fine... why am I here?

He gives me the water. He continues stroking my hair. As I engulf the water, the water feels like the best thing in the world.

I look at my hand and see it wrapped in a bandage. I wince at the pain of seeing it. "It's not too bad." He states.

I look at him. "How long have I been knocked out?" I ask. His gentle hand runs over my arm, "A few days..."

"Is my hand okay?" I ask. He nods at me gently.

A doctor walks in and smiles. "Hello, how are you?" They ask. I nod. "I'm good, can I just get out of here?" I ask.

"We have concluded that you are okay, so in the next few hours you may be discharged." The relief of those words, I can't be here because after I get my results I know something isn't going to be right.

"Did they tell you how long it'll take to heal?" I ask. He looks at me, his eyes show pain, he doesn't like me being like this. "Uh. They said it'll take at least a week to scar over. You'll always have a scar, I'm sorry" He places his hand on my cheek, wiping away my stray tear.

God why did this have to happen.

I nod gently. My mother stands up, her pace is slow. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her. She's such a high-spirited person, I just want everything to be okay.

"Hey baby, everything will be okay. You're going to be just fine" she plants a small kiss on my forehead.

I'm so exhausted...

It's been a few hours and I can finally go home. I groan as I stand up due to my muscles stiffening. "It's okay" Jordan's arm wraps round my shoulder, he can tell that I'm exhausted, I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to school with you tomorrow" I sigh. "I know there's no way I'll be able to talk you out of it so, okay" he chuckles.

I hear my mother chuckle from beside me, "you always have to be you. And that's what's best" she kisses my temple.

She jogs ahead to get the car started. Jordie and I walk slowly out of the hospital, swaying slightly. "He's back" I sigh.

He hims in confusion. He looks down at me, "Who?"

"Link...he's back from Juvie... and-and he...he didn't even recognise me. He just looked at me like I was nothing, nothing to him..." My voice almost sounds painful. He looks back down at me at the sound of my voice. "Please don't cry" he states.

We finally make it to the car and mother is sat on her phone waiting. "What took you guys so long? Jeez" she moans while placing down her phone in the middle compartment of the car. I get into the front of the car and Jordan miserably sits in the back of the car. "I wanted to sit in the front" he sulks.

I roll my eyes and check my phone.

Bitches be crazy!

Alec: Nicole? You good?

Jassy: You got acid on your hand?

Alec: No, That bastard Jared Hangoen.

Jassy: What? He poured acid on her hand?

Alec: Yeah. Then he got jumped outside school

Jassy: People don't even care anymore though, so they're probably just going to be the same again.

Alec: That's the sad thing.

Me: Honestly guys I'm fine


Jassy: YEAH!!!

Me: I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow okay?

Jassy: Okay

Alec: Alright cool

I close my messages and look back at Jordan. He's fast asleep. I feel so bad because he's been worried about me. I don't like it when people focus on me. Too much attention.

He's just exhausted.

"You're eyes are so red, you seem exhausted" Mother states looking at me briefly. But when she looks at me I panic. "Mom, keep your eyes on the road. And you look exhausted too"

"Right, right. Sorry. And I am" She sighs deeply pulling inside the driveway.

This one is really short, sorry

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