chapter 20

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Chapter 20


 It’s 11 pm and my fight is about t start. Since the conversation in the gym I haven’t spoken to Jake and I haven’t seen Conner. I just went home to sleep and now I’m completely ready to fight the newbie, Boyce I think.

‘ So are you ready for the fight ? I don’t know what his potential is but he said to me it was his first fight. ‘ Gabe said to me. In a couple of minutes the fight would start.

‘ His first fight and you set him up with me? ‘ I asked a bit dumbfounded. Why would he do that ?

‘ I didn’t do that. I would’ve set him up with another newbie. Just some easy stuff. But he requested a fight with you and paid a really big amount of money just to fight you which I by the way will give you a big part of. ‘ Requested a fight with me ? really ?

‘ Thanks, shouldn’t you go announce me ? It’s 11:30. ‘ I said

‘ Yeah thanks, see ya after. ‘  He said while walking into the middle of the crowd. They immediately made a circle with human barriers. The boxing ring was fun but I miss the sweet streets. It’s more fun this way and little fights always make their way between the crowd which is pretty funny.

After he announced me he announced Boyce and when he came through the crow I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was that kid that “knew” me on the street today. Now I understand. I find him a little creepy …

As the fight started I found out he was a little inexperienced but he really has potential. He’s pretty strong and he’s confident about himself. I just think he was a little stupid to try and take me down first.

Because after less than five minutes he was on the ground, pretty beat up. I called it quits to Gabe who crowned me as the winner.

Little fights were splattered around but not that interesting so I went to my gang and told them to go party.

‘ Aren’t you coming Sky ? ‘ Ryan asked me while I was already heading towards my car.

‘ Nope, just make sure you guys have a designated driver because I won’t be picking you up. ‘ He looked a few second at me before shrugging his shoulders and leaving with the rest of the gang.

I was mad. Not just mad but livid. That tends to happen when I’m  sad.

After a fight Jake would always come to the dressing rooms to take care of me. But it’s been over 10 minutes already and I don’t think he will be coming any time soon.  I can’t believe it. not only is he ignoring me, now he doesn’t even care about me anymore. What the hell did I do wrong ?

I waited a few minutes more before I started taking care of my wounds myself. Boyce had a pretty good uppercut and he must’ve wore a ring or something like that because a deep red cut marked my chin. This would be really hard to cover up tomorrow. I whipped the blood away and put some disinfectant on it so it would heal easier. I took off my sweaty clothes and changed into something fresh. I took off my bandages and put everything away before getting back to the street. I saw Jake talking to a trashy girl who was all over him. I went to him and tapped his shoulder.

‘ Jake if you don’t care at all about me anymore and you want to leave , feel free to turn in your garage keys and go. ‘ I don’t know when I grew so weak but I had a hard time accepting that there was a big probability that Jake was going to leave.

‘ Why would you think that ?’  He looked pretty confused. Does he really have no clue that he’s dropping me?

‘ I don’t know, maybe because you’ve been ignoring me, avoiding me and you didn’t even come to me after the fight. ‘ there was no emotion in my voice. Ice cold. He will not get me emotional.

‘ I don’t know how you got there weird ideas but I’m not doing any of that. ‘ Lies. He can’t lie and surely not to me.

‘ Bullshit, you can’t lie to me. I know you too well. But if you don’t want to actually admit it, I’m out. Just know, that you’ve lost me. ‘ I turned around and went to that gang.

So that’s why I didn’t want to party. I feel like crap.

I just lost my best friend.


I just lost my best friend. I can’t believe it. I know I’ve been avoiding and ignoring her and my heart broke when I saw the gash on her chin that I didn’t take care of.

I had to take my mind of her.

‘ Hey Ashley, ‘ I said to the girl I was talking to earlier, ‘ do you want to come home with me? ‘ I asked. She nodded and I took her to my car.

I had to take my mind of the girl I love.

I can’t love her.

It’s not right.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ashley slamming her lips into mine while taking of her clothes…

Just what I needed … distraction.


It’s been a half an hour since the fight ended. Where the hell is Skylar ? I’ve been looking all over for her. I need to see her one last time before I have to go home. God I sound so whipped. But I really can’t help it. the past month has been so amazing. I’ve been spending so much time with her that even when she’s not with me I’m thinking of her. She has this mysterious aura and it’s luring me deeper and deeper. She’s just so down to earth and normal not like any other girl I’ve ever met. Well she’s far from normal. She’s leading two lives and I’m know them both yet she has so many unsolved mysteries.

I need to know. I want to know the real her. I want to know what caused the permanent pain deep in her eyes. She thinks no one notices. But I do. She’s in pain and I want to beat up who caused it.

‘cause no one gets away with hurting MY Skylar !

.. Did I just think that  ?

My thoughts were interrupted by Skylar. I can hear her talking to her gang.

‘ Nope, just make sure you guys have a designated driver because I won’t be picking you up. ‘

She’s just going to leave like that ? Why ?

She walked to her car but I was there just before her.

‘ Why aren’t you going to the party ? ‘ I ask pretty concerned. When I look into her eyes I see them cold as ice. What the hell happened ?  This girl really makes me crazy ….

‘ Because. I’m not in the mood to talk. ‘ She didn’t ask, she didn’t sound friendly. Nothing. Something is getting to her.

‘ You want to talk about it ? ‘ I ask with dead hope.

‘ No. ‘

And that was that.

Everything was said.

And I felt a piece of my heart break.

There’s not even a slight possibility that she likes me …

She got in her car.

And the girl I want drove off.

And left me standing there.

And that was that.


Hehey ;) I’m back

What’s up ?

This was the new chapter ;) I really hope you’re enjoying it.

 © axellesmet 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by axellesmet. It's illegal to steal and/or copy.


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