chapter 29 | evidence

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The video started with the footage of Karla and Chase in the warehouse. She was tied to the chair as Chase walked into the room.

"Well played, Karla," Chase yelled at Karla as he ripped the type off her.

The clip went to pictures and evidence of how they figured out Karla was actually a Russian. All the failed attacks done by the Russians. Her real identity. She was twenty-two.

Chase and Karla quarreled back and forth when she asked about Chase's sister. She cunningly spoke about Chase's twin sister and laughed.

I looked up to see Chase looking away probably trying to not hear everything that was going in the video.

Karla went on to tell that Everleigh was kidnapped and held hostage where Cara had died. Another girl came and started beating the living shit out of her.

I mean she deserves it.

Chase called his mother as she revealed to him that Everleigh indeed went missing. Chase's jaw clenched as he looked at Karla with full rage.

He ended the call by throwing his phone on the ground and shattering it into pieces. No wonder he didn't pick my calls that day. He broke it.

I still didn't understand how this connects to him cheating. They kidnapped his sister but how does that lead back to me.

They both started arguing back and forth about where Everleigh was. Both not backing off.

"Pretty boy, you have been so invested in your own happiness that you didn't keep your eyes on your little sister. Jasmin was the distraction for us to get to you. She doesn't even know how much she helped us." Karla spoke.

"Let her fucking go." Chase hissed.



"Yes, but under one condition." They were both looking in each other's eyes with nothing but anger and resentment.

"Which is?"

"Have sex with me."

My nails digging deep into my thighs. The sentence that she uttered breaking my heart once again. The reason why Chase and I fell. The reason we didn't last forever. The reason the stars did not align.

I glanced at Chase to see the visible pain on his features. He didn't look at me at first but his eyes met mine as the video clip continued, "Hell fucking no." His immediate response.

He did say no. I felt my eyes tearing up as I knew where this was going. This was fucking rape.

And, I failed to realize.

The video continued as the tears slowly started falling on my cheeks. I saw Chase's jaw start to clench.

"I want you to break up with Jasmin." My eyes closed as the tears left my eyes. Her words taking me back to five years ago.

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