Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Positively Not Normal

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"I'm sorry, but something came up...yeah I'll be fine...I'll tell her...yes...Why would I lie...Bye." Greyson hung up the phone and tossed it into the console.

We had been driving since four in the morning and now it was just a bit after six.

Greyson had stormed out of the room after our fight. I ripped the needles out of my arms and hobbled my way down a hallway to look for him. It wasn't my best plan. Half way down my legs had buckled underneath me. I'd managed to twist my ankle, not enough to break it but it did hurt.

I felt like a zombie as I had to literally had to drag myself across the floor and just lean against a wall. Id managed to fall asleep there, but all hell broke loose when Greyson went back to my room and didn't find me.

I woke up when I heard him screaming at someone. My ankle didn't hurt like before, so I slowly walked down the hallway to find Greyson practically strangling some boy.

Let's just say that the boy ended up needing more medical attention than I did at the moment.

" okay?" I asked. I knew he wasn't. He looked angry. His knuckles were white from squeezing the steering wheel so hard.

He didn't answer. He just glared coolly out the windshield.

I patted my hands on my thighs like bongos. I started patting to the rhythm of a song.

"Hey, you know this?" I asked as I patted. He didn't answer. "Fine, if you want a hint that bad then the song is by The Weeknd." I said as I continued playing the song. I'm pretty sure he was slightly annoyed with me by now, but I just continued anyway. "Do I need to like sing it or something?" I asked sarcastically. I'm pretty sure my thighs were turning red. "Okay, well a line goes 'She asked me if I do this everyday. I said...something.'"

"Why don't you take a nap?" He blurted out. I don't think he tried to seem rude, but it came out like he was.

"Well, damn. Could've at least guessed the song." I muttered as I sunk into the seat. I didn't say anything. I felt like some little kid who just was scolded by their parents.

Nearly ten minutes passed and we were still driving. We passed the school and I knew we were only about ten minutes away. I just continued to stare out the window. I don't know why, but I had a huge feeling of sadness wash over me.

Honestly, I've never really had that happen. After turning rogue, I didn't usually get sad enough to want to cry. Right now is a different story, though. I'm not a rogue, nor am I a werewolf. I'm a human and I feel human emotions.

"Often." Greyson said breaking the silence. I looked over at him. He didn't look as tense and angry now. He looked slightly more calm. Not much, but I could tell.


"The song. It's Often." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Oh, uh, yeah." I said quietly. The atmosphere was still weird in the car and I just wanted to walk out and light myself on fire or something to get away.

Everything seems so different now that I'm human.

We didn't talk the rest of the way.

When the car finally stopped I was practically ready to bolt. I just wanted to run into the house and sleep forever, but my ankle was still jacked up and my body was weak. The best I could do was a slow hobble.

I opened the door and was about to step out but Greyson grabbed my arm and yanked me around so that I was facing him. Immediately, his lips were on mine and I melted.

We didn't move apart as his hand squeezed my arm even tighter. An unbelievable warmth spread through me as his hand trailed up my arm. He slowly ran his fingers along the skin of my shoulder which sent a shiver through my body.

Slowly, his hand came up and touched my mark.

A spark.

A spark spread throughout my body. I felt my canines extend and my eyes switch color. I felt every aching bone in my body relax and heal.

We both pulled away and instantly I went back to normal. No sparks. No canines. No switch in color. Completely normal.

"We, uh, should go talk to Ashton and Karissa." I said. He nodded as we exited the car.

What was that? My wolf is still here? She's not completely gone?

As we came to the stairs Greyson took my hand in his. We entered the house and were instantly bombarded with questions.

"Alpha! What's going on?"

"Why are we trapped in here?"

"When are we allowed to leave?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Alpha and the rogue?"

"Enough!" Greyson boomed over everyone. Why were there so many people awake anyway? "Where's Ashton Ricardo?" He questioned. No one said anything. There were a lot of 'the new kid?' and 'the kid who almost choked Harris to death?'.

Well, that's new.

"Greyson?" Karissa's voice said over everyone. Only it was different than usual. I looked over the crowd to see Karissa standing in hallway crying.

My heart shattered.

"Karissa?" My voice cracked.

"Alex." She charged at me as I charged at her. We both met in the middle and cried. I held her in my arms as she held me in hers and we just let the tears go.

"Wow. I never thought rogues cried."

"Why are they so upset?"

"She acts so strong. Who knew she was so weak?"

"Is she marked?"

Almost instantly Karissa pulled away. Her eyes immediately landed on my neck.

"While our family was here being murdered,"

"Karissa. No." I said as more tears fell.

"You were screwing around," She looked behind me and narrowed her eyes, "with him." She growled lowly and watched him. "I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled as she was just about to run at him.

"Karissa. I swear to god you take one more step you're done." she froze. Actually so did I. This person reminded me of three people. The worst version of Greyson, the normal version of Liam, and the worst possible version of me.

Ashton's hand landed on Karissa's shoulder. He spun her around so she was looking at him.

"Calm. Now." Visibly, she calmed down. They never left eye contact.

Ashton turned to look at Greyson and nodded.

"Everyone to your rooms." Greyson said lowly. Everyone cleared out of the room and that only left Greyson, Karissa, Ashton, and I.

I felt extremely intimidated for the first time in a very long time.

"So what happened?" Greyson asked Ashton as Karissa and I watched intently. I knew he was talking about what Liam had done. Hearing him talk about it made me skin crawl and my heart break a little more.

"I think it'd be a lot easier to just show you." That's the exact opposite of what I wanted and looking over at Karissa I knew she was on the same page as I.

Oi Ya.

I was just like bored and read pretty much every werewolf book on Wattpad so it was either this or HW and I wasn't doing that. Might as well get it over with.

Soooo. I feel like these next few chapters are really important BC Alex had come to point where she's pretty much falling apart.


Anyway I'm tired bc it's like 9:30 pm so I'm going to bed.

Stay awesome Gotham.

Def not edited.

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