𝟎𝟏. the call

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The TV was running late at night. If you look over at the couch, you can see Y/n Elise Dixon sleeping peacefully, while the show "How to Get Away with Murder" plays on the television.

Suddenly, a loud ringing appears from their phone, which causes Dixon to jump awake from their slumber, as they check their surroundings. For the past few nights, since the "Endgame" battle, Y/n hadn't been getting a good night's rest, and if they tried it was filled with nightmares and overthinking.

Once they realize that they are safe; in the comfort of their apartment, they stretch out their body and groan from the ringing coming from their phone.

They reach over to the nice wooden coffee in front of their TV, looking for the feeling of their phone. On the corner of the table, they feel the smooth black case and they take their phone from the table, unlocking it. They open their phone to see their wallpaper; it is a photo of them and Natasha Romanoff at a mall eating ice cream.

The y/e/c girl chuckles, before unlocking their phone. They go to their phone app to see who the fuck called at them at 2:37 A.M. They see that their latest phone call is from an unknown number. They furrow their eyebrows in confusion. They stare at the random number for longer, and longer.

'Probably, just a sales number." They finalized on. They checked all of their social media just to see what is happening in the world after the grape was gone.

Soon they turned their head over to their TV once they realized that it was still playing the show They were watching. They got up from their quite uncomfortable position on their white couch and grabbed the TV remote to turn off the TV.

Once the TV screen was black (indicating it was off), Y/n finally decided to try a get some more sleep in an area that didn't make them think their spinal cord was broken. They flopped onto their bed, tossing their phone to the left side. Y/n covered themselves in the blanket, finding the warmth of the white sheet comforting. As they were attempting to dose off into a slumber, they remembered about the red-headed witch whose warmth the young Dixon used to find comforting.

After tossing and turning for around 30 minutes, Y/n finally drifted off asleep. Or they died. Either one was okay with the girl. Soon the nightmares started, they remembered when Clint told them about what happened on Vormir. They remember when they forced the memory out of Clint's head, just so they can see the last moments of their best friend.

Y/n abruptly sprung awake. Sweat dripping down their forehead. Cars loudly honking outside, rapidly. Y/n sat down in their bed, trying to even out their breathing. They rolled out of their sheets, feeling an instant chill running down their spine, running towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. As they drank their water, they got flashes of their nightmare.

"It's okay." Natasha whispered to Clint, hanging off the side of Vormir.


And then Natasha kicked themselves off of Vormir, falling out of Clint's grip.

When Clint looks down, he sees Natasha's dead body.

Tears threatened to fall out of Y/n's eyes, but they couldn't handle it anymore. They couldn't handle the pain and loss. They couldn't handle how they kept it all inside. They had lost Nat, the only person after Wanda they could ever trust. They were like the older sister they never had. So, they let the tears out.

They cried harder than before; the more and more they see those memories, the harder it gets. They wished that they went with Clint and Nat and that instead of Natasha or Clint, it would have been them.

They slid down the wall facing their kitchen, spilling their glass of water on the hardwood floor, they thought about what the Russian would want them to do. Natasha wouldn't want them to cry over them, but instead keep them as a memory.

So, Y/n got off the floor and decided that there was no point in going back to sleep. So, they got on the page to start their day.

They went to the bathroom which was connected to their bedroom. They got their toothbrush and started brushing their teeth. The minty-fresh taste filled their mouth. They wash out their mouth and splash their face with cold water that wakes them up even more than before; although that didn't seem possible considering the events in the kitchen. They wiped their face with their hands and looked into the mirror, resting their hands on the sides of the sink.

They sighed as they went on to get in the shower; standing in the middle of the shower, letting the warm water relax their muscles. As soon as they got out of the shower, they wrapped their body in towels and let their hair loose. They walked over to their closet to choose their outfit for today. They ended up a pair of black ripped jeans, and a plain light blue shirt. They didn't do much to get ready today because they didn't have any plans, but the truth is that they never really had plans.

They headed to their kitchen and made a nice warm cup of coffee. Steam still exiting the mug, as they took their first sip. It was sweet, but not too sweet. They turned on some music in the background using Spotify. They played August by Taylor Swift. For once, their life had been calm. Sure, every day was the same routine, but this time... Y/n felt happy.

As they finished their mug of coffee, their phone started ringing from that same random number. They checked the time, it was 5:24 A.M.

Why the fuck is this number calling me again! The young former avenger thought.

After letting the phone ring 3 times, they finally decide to pick up the phone. But why not have some fun with it.

"Heya, it's Barbar AKA Barbara Stallings!" They say in a joyful country accent, answering the phone.

"Hi, um is Agent Dix- I mean Dusk there? Just to clarify, I'm speaking of the former avenger." A man's voice asks. Y/n stands in shock, at this time why the hell would someone call them. Especially, when they called them Dusk or Agent Dixon. Ever since S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers, no one called them that.

"Sorry, yeah hi I'm Dusk." They say pinching the bridge of their nose.

"That's great! I'm Tyler Hayward the Director of S.W.O.R.D, and I was wondering if you can help us on a case?"

"Depends on the case, I haven't been doing this hero stuff for a bit now."

"The case name is the "Maximoff Anomaly."

As soon as Y/n heard that, they dropped their mug onto the floor, and it shattered into sharp pieces on the floor. The last droplets of coffee find its way onto the floor. They didn't know if they wanted to do this case. All because of the name. What if it was about Wanda? They still cared for the girl, even after that night.

"You okay there? I heard something then just quiet." Hayward asked.

"I'm great, just thinking about it I should take this case."

It was silent outside, but in Y/n's brain, a million thoughts were running around at the same time. They didn't know what to do. But after the long wait, the girl finally decided.

"Where do you need me to be?"

That was the first chapter of the girl next door I hope you liked it! Yes, these chapters are gonna be in third person view! Sorry, if you don't like that. Anyways, I hope you have a great morning/night/afternoon/evening! Also sorry if this is bad, it's been a long time since I wrote and published a story. 😭

- nya
(editing tiktok: nataliaslcve)
(wattpad tiktok: quakeslcve)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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the girl next door - 𝐖. 𝐌𝐀𝐗𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now