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So, this might be seem rushed to you, and that's because it kind of was.

I wanted to get the thing with Ra's over with, and it would obviously be happening because it's Ra's and he wouldn't just let them take Damian. But fuck Ra's he doesn't deserve a fic with him being the focused antagonist in a series about Tim finding love. No. I refuse.

So I made the story about family bonding cause Lord knows these dummies need it. And I wanted Dick and Babs to get married. So I wrote it. Cause I have no self control when it comes to these things.

And, no, Steph and Tim did not get back together in this. Not yet. I am of the opinion that getting together after you thought one of you was dead for 2 years would definitely not be healthy. Especially when they have no idea what's happened the past 2 years. Things change. People change. Especially them. They're different. I don't want them in a relationship with what they were like in the past. They need to get to know each other again. So they will. Until then, no TimSteph. (They'll end up together eventually. They're my OTP no matter what anyone says. They're adorable. I can't keep them apart. Sorry not sorry.)

That being said, I do have 2 more fics that are important to this series. 

1. Steph's back story, including being Robin, dying, etc. I've written 1 chapter so far. It's called Battle Scars. I'll publish it as soon as I finish the story. It's looking like it'll be either the longest, or the second longest. Depends on how it goes. I'm excited for this one, it'll be awesome. 

2. The story all of this has been leading up to. Tim finally learns what love is. This story will focus on mental health, and past terrible parents, and moving on. It'll be very emotional. I am not prepared. That's why I've been putting it off. I'll write it after Battle Scars. 

After that, it's the stuff that is a part of the series but isn't the main fics. This'll include one shots, and 2 different fics that'll be multi-chaptered and very self indulgent. I'm not telling you what they are. You just have to wait and see. 

Please, comment. Comments give me life and I am unashamed to ask for it. 

Thank you to everyone who read, commented, and left votes for this PART. I appreciate it. 

On that note, I'll leave you until next time! 

Or I'll see you in my other fics. I have quite a few so if you're there, hi. 

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