Thoughts - Chapter 37

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( Lorelai POV )

I woke up to my hand throbbing and looked down to see it was bandaged.

When did I go to sleep..

Oh- I forgot I was with mom.. guess i went to sleep.

" oh hell no " I said outloud making the girls look at me.

" mommy! "

" don't you want to watch Disney princesses.... or toy story..  or something other than cocoamelon " I said looking at them like they were crazy.

" no " Nalaya yelled.

" girl you can't even understand me " I said jokingly.

" What color is this? " I asked pointing at the blanket.

" bwown " Tahani said and I clapped happily giving her a smile.

Eh close enough.

" good job " I said and she smiled.

" Mommy are you okay? " she asked crawling on me.

I kissed her forehead before replying with a yes.

I grabbed my phone from beside me and checked to see it was 4:30.

And now I'm hungry.

" Are you guys hungry? " I asked them.

" How does McDonald's sound? " I added on while turning the tv off.

" Yay!! " Tahani said and they started jumping around yelling.

" okay calm down " I said getting up and slid my shoes on.

I put their slides on them and grabbed my purse before we walked out.

I held their hands as we walked down the stairs and pretty soon we were at the end.

" Where are you going? " Noel's voice rang through my ears making me slightly jump.

" McDonald's.. wanna join? " I asked him and he nodded picking up Tahani.

" IM LEAVING " I yelled out as we were about to walk out the door.
After we ate our McDonald's we did end up stopping by the old house to see Aurora, Camila and Natalie.

When we walked in it was quiet and we looked around the house until we found them.

The girls ran to Camila yelling which made them jump.

" What are you guys doing here? "

" what I'm not allowed to come to my own house? " I asked sarcastically and went to Camila also.

" Girl you getting big- I forgot what you looked like " I said kissing her forehead.

I didn't literally forget what she looked like.

" Anyway I just wanted to come and say hi but also bye because I have to go " I said seeing as I've got a few texts.

" Can I talk to you real quick? "  Natalie said lowly and I almost swung on her.

I'm sorry but she scared me.

" I'll be back I have something very important to talk to her about " I said to them and walked out of the room with her following.

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