How they got together part 15

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Okay I just bumped into my 'crush' idk if she's my crush or not but still I bumped into alix! Now what am I supppose to do!"Umm... w-what's up" great you already know what's up and you're still asking her that."Nothing much just going back home from alya's"
"Why were you at alya's?"I asked great now I sound nosy
"I just needed to get something of my chest and also paparazzi were following me so i led them to her" honestly not a bad prank alya  hates paparazzi even if she's a journalist.
But that still wasn't the worst prank she's ever done one time when we were seniors in high school she once took my shoes and put dirt and worms in them.oh and one time she decided to kidnaped me for fun and wax my leg hair.I do not know how girls wax their leg hair like every month imma tell you that those wax strips are painful. I was about to say goodbye to Alix and head home but I couldn't find xuppu.
Alix was also looking for something then I realized that fluff was also no where to be seen we looked for them for about 10 minutes but then I heard giggling from above I looked up and saw fluff and xuppu on the lamp post
"Xuppu get down from there"
"No"he simply answered
"Come on we've gotta get home"I said it since it was already pretty late
"Can we pls have a sleepover with fluff plsssss"he asked
"No you can't now get down from there"
"Awwww come on fluff was just about to tell me about the info she got on trixx today"I actually really want to hear about that to but when your a superhero you have responsibilities
"Too bad you can listen to it another day, now get down we're going home"
"Fluff there you are get down from there pls?"Alix said panting she ran around the whole block looking for them
"Can xuppu have a sleep over with us pls?"
"No" she said crossing her arms while still looking up at them
"Pls? I promise we'll be very good"
They came down and gave us their famous kwami baby doll eyes.
"Ugh fine" we gave in

"So I can drop xuppu of at your house and pick him up tomorrow or you can drop fluff at my house and you can pick her up tomorrow"I said to alix

"Oh no you guys have to come with us"Fluff said"It needs to happend or it will tamper with the timeline"

"fine so who's house are we going to?" said alix she knew better than tampering with the timeline she said one time mari tampered with it and some blanc guy destroyed everything.She wouldn't give us the name.

"Kim's" screamed xuppu.

"Guess my house at least it's cleaner then yours"I said remembering the time we went to her house after the akuma incedent.

"Hey it's only messy when I when my head is a hot mess and never remind me of that lover boy incedent" she said then pouted she looks kinda cute when she's mad.god kim get ahold of your self.

We walked to her house to get drop of her stuff and she came out with her bag and then walked to my house

When we got there xuppu and fluff told us stories of their past owners and again xuppu ranted about the history books being all wrong.

"seriously the plauge is not a disease tikki was about to use her lucky charm but the plagg missed the chair and his cataclysm mixed with tikki's lucky charm and made this device that shot out the 'disease'"Xuppu said crossing his arms

Fluff POV

So me and xuppu were so sick and tired of our owners flirting with eachother and not even knowing it like seriously Kims arm is practically on Alixs shoulders right now. like what the heck! they kissed eachother before all they need to do is date!

But I guees the time will come soon then they can stop being so blinded.

Like plagg said the whole class was blined

adrein and Mari being the most,next is probally kim and alix is my opinion.but plagg says it's that red head boy idk we just call him the tomato child.

"I'm bored"I said

"well what do you want to do?"asked alix

I looked around and saw a soda bottle and smirked

"Spin the bottle!"

"But how?You guys can't spin the bottle and there's only me and alix"kim said still oblivious

He can be so dumb somtimes I dont know what alix see in him speaking of alix she was giving me a 'WHat the heck are you thinking when we get home you better have a good explanation'look

Hi i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Did you miss me?

I'm continueing this chapter in the next one cus i'm running out of ideas.

You can comment ideas down below if you have any.

 okie BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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