[Chapter 10]: Aftermath

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-3rd Pov-

It has been 3 days since the second terrorist attack on the academy. Two teams of student and 3 huntsman were able to stop the attack. Professor Lionheart, the headmaster of the Haven academy was arrested for assisting the terrorist group.

The council did not disclose the identity of the two student teams and the huntsmen who took part to  prevent the attack.

The terrorist group who was responsible for the attack were the three fake students who attack Beacon and two new member. Cinder Fall, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai, Hazel Rainart and Tyrian Callows.

Bounty of 70000 liens has been release by Atlas for each of the terrorist member. Only recommend for Advanced, Elite and Professional Huntsmen.

The group of students watch the news on the large TV. Some of them sitting in the sofa.

Ruby: So I guess that's that then.

Yang: I wish they at least mentioned us for our hard work.

Blake: What do you think Weiss?

Weiss: I would rather not bring attention.

Pyrrha: Yes, sometimes the media can be a little bit..... overexciting.

Jaune: Well at least it's over right?

Y/N: Goddamnit!! Stop raising the flags you idiots!!!

Ren: Calm down Y/N. It's not that something like that would repeat again....

Y/N: Goddamnit not you too Ren!!

Nora: Anyways since the big guys are still clean up the mess, wanna hang out?

Pyrrha: Well I guess the city has calm down a bit.

Ruby: Well then what are we waiting for? Let's hang out!!!!! Group outting!!!!

Jaune: I actually have somewhere to go.

Pyrrha: Oh where would that be?

Jaune: I'm going to some blacksmith to upgrade my weapons.

Pyrrha: Its about time huh. Mind if I join you Jaune?

Jaune: Sure. Hang on I'll go get my scroll.

Ruby: So Jaune and Pyrrha have their own things so...... I guess it's just us then.

She slowly looks at the remaining friends who are talking to each orther.

Nora: I think I've seen an interesting ice-cream shop at the district! Can we go there please Ren! Pleaseeeeee!!!!!

Ren: *sigh* Alright we'll go to the ice cream shop.

Nora: Yay!!!! Ice cream!!!!

Ruby: W-Well... I guess it's just Team RWBY and Y/N then....

Weiss: You know Y/N, I saw this antique shop somewhere near the inn.

Y/N: Something caught your eye?

Weiss: Yes some unique accessories.

Y/N: Well then I'll accompany you there.

Weiss: Y-You will?

Y/N: Sure why not.

Weiss: I-I guess I would mind your company.

Ruby: You two are going too?!?! I guess then Yan-

Yang: Salmon Burger at the Seafood cafe?

Blake: Definitely.

Ruby look around frantically as her friends pair up in two and head out of the inn.

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