Chapter 27

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Kaitlyn's POV


What the hell? Why is my alarm set I don't go to school anymore? I unplugged my alarm clock, and checked my phone. One text from Riker.

Text Messages:

Riker: You'll never guess who has a crush on you

Kaitlyn: Who?

After I sent that message, I got in the shower. When I got out I slipped and fell on the floor. Starting off to a fantastic day so far. Note the sarcasm.

I put on my sweater that says "Cuddling 4 dayz", and a pair of sweat pants. "The comfy life is the life for me," I sang, as I walked down stairs.

My phone buzzed, as I walked into the kitchen.

Text Message:

Riker: I'll tell you when I come over after school

Kaitlyn: K

I made myself some pancakes, and ate them in a flash. As I was clean my plate a cut my hand.

My suicide side kicked in. I just sat on the floor, and watched the blood race down my hand. Without thinking I got a knife from the drawer and made another incision.

I watched both streams of blood race down my arm. I was having a mental argument of which stream of blood was gonna win.

The incision stream of blood won the race. It was then I shook myself from my thoughts. "What am I doing?" I panic, and bandage my cuts.

I quickly walked into the living room, where I found my homeschool worksheets, and books. I started working on my assignments for the day, and before I knew it I was done.

I turned on the TV and Pretty Woman was on. "Oh wow Classic," I smiled. I sat on my couch watching movies, when Riker walked in.

"Kaitlyn I'm home!" He yelled and ran up the stairs. When he got to the top I decided to tell him I was on the couch.

"Riker! Im on the couch you dork," I laughed.

He came back down with a frown on his face. "How dare you make me run all the way up the stairs. To only have to come back down," he pouted.

"I'm sorry," I chuckled. He came over and sat down next to me.

"So guess who likes you," he said.

"Who?" I ask.

"Rocky," he smiled.

"Rocky?" I questioned, "Your brother Rocky."

"Yeah crazy right," he smiled.

"Wow I never would've guessed that," I added.

"I know. He is writing a song for you and everything," He commented.

"Did you tell him we were dating?" I asked.

"Yeah," he stated, "Rocky told me that you were to good for me, and that he could treat you better."

"Wow looks like you have some competition," I teased.

"Yeah right," he rolled his eyes, and pulled me to his side.

"I feel kinda bad though," I sighed, "I don't want to lead him on or anything."

"You're not everything will be fine," He assured.

"I hope so," I sighed, and snuggled his side.


So I am going to make a sequel to this book, so yeah.
This is just a filler chapter.
Spoiler Alert: Something Serious is about to happen.
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