epilogue [part three]

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couple of weeks later



Kyo had always loved Sae-Byeok's smile in the beginning, even though she hardly saw it in the early days. Especially now since, you know. . .

She was finally getting out of hospital.

The doctors said that there'd be a scar on her neck from Sang-Woo's attack, and a kind of jagged scar on her hip from the glass.

Both Kyo and Sae-Byeok thought it was bad ass, while Gi Hun looked at them like they were high.

Sae-Byeok had practically dragged him to a mall to get Kyo some new clothes, along with making a special stop on the way back.

It was time to pick up a ring.

And unbeknownst to Sae-Byeok at the time, Kyo had already asked Gi Hun to look at wedding rings.

And just to add on to the list of good news: Sae-Byeok's mom had just arrived in the South.

After a long couple of weeks and some slight inconveniences, her mom was safely within the borders of the South. When Sae-Byeok had gotten the call, Kyo had never seen her so happy.

Gi Hun had it all on camera too.

"You're finally getting out," Sae-Byeok held onto Kyo's arm as they walked down to the reception desk.

"The world's missed me, I can tell," Kyo put her hands on her hips as the receptionist placed a clipboard with some paperwork down in front of her. She quickly read through it, signed and paid.

Then they walked out into the blissful and slightly polluted air.

"Where's Cheol? I thought he'd be here," Kyo asked as they waited outside for Gi Hun to pick them up and take them to their brand new house.

And speak of the devil, Gi Hun, who had dyed his hair red, was pulling up to the front of the hospital with Cheol in the front seat, wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Gi Hun! There's a booster seat in the back for a reason!" Sae-Byeok crossed her arms as they got into the car. She grabbed her brother, pulling him into the back.

"He's a kid! Let him live a little!" Gi Hun reasoned as Kyo sat in the back as well.

"How've you been, Cheol?" She ruffled his hair as Sae-Byeok fastened him into his seat.

"Great! Sae said that she had a surprise for me!"

"It's a great surprise, kiddo," Kyo assured him as Gi Hun drove. They ended up in a rural part of the country, and soon they made it to the safehouse where Sae-Byeok's mom was being kept safe and sound.

They got out the car, with Cheol practically demanding to be let out of his seat almost instantly, and Kyo laughed at the resemblance of his frown that perfectly matched Sae-Byeok's.

"Can I call him Kang Cheol-Sunshine too?"


And when the door to the safe house was opened, and their mother emerged with tearful and happy eyes, Sae-Byeok let her cold exterior fall.

"Oh, how I've missed you both. So so much."

Gi Hun handed Kyo a hankerchief.

𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊, 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞Where stories live. Discover now