13 6 2

August 7th, 2015


I have been hanging out with the basketball lads a lot. Gosh, I sound British now. Anyway, they really make me happy, they bring happiness to my boring life, and when I am with them it is the only time of the day where I am smiling and laughing. It's only been a few months without Delta, and I have already changed into a totally different person, that I barely recognize. My blonde hair has grown out and it is shaggy now, but I like it like that, unless I'm with the boys my blue eyes are lifeless and boring. Everyone in the town seems to know that there are invisible signs that say "Don't fucking mention Delta." Everyone acts like she never existed, if I mention her they quickly change the subject, almost as if they are doing it to save me. Internally they are. They might not know it but everyone is helping me by not mentioning her.

It will never stop hurting though, so I don't see the point. It will never go away because I'm not like that.

I'm not ready to spill my secrets even to a piece of paper, so bye


PS. The first day of school is tomorrow.


Lots O' Love


Until next time, don't forget to vote :)

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