Chapter 27

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Enjoy! Lol




Anne walked into her sons hospital room and saw Louis sleeping on the blue chair, his neck looked like it was about to snap. He held Harry's limp hand in his. She softly smiled and walked over to him, running her fingers through his hair and bent down whispering to him

"Louis? Honey wake up." the blue eyed boy groaned opening his lazy eyes and wiped them riding the sleep then looked up at Anne's freshly washed and makeup face

"Hey Anne. What's going on?" he looked over at Harry who still hadn't woken up from his coma and then back at her

"I came to wake you up hun. You need to get up and walk around, got eat something, take a shower, and sleep on a bed." he sighed shaking his head and sat up straighter on the chair, still holding Harry's hand

"I can't leave him Anne. Once he wakes up, he'l hate me and I- I need to be here until the very minute he screams at me." she sighed sitting by Harry's clothed leg and grabbed Louis hand in hers

"Sweetie, I understand you love him. But you've been stuck in this room for three days already and you haven't gone home once, or eaten much. Eleanor even gave up and left." he scoffed bringing Harry's hand to his lips for a kiss

"She's not important as him. This is where I need to be. I love him, and he needs to know this." she sighed grabbing his other hand from Harry's hold squeezed them both making him look up into her eyes

"I know that you don't want to marry her. I know you love my son with every fiber in your body. Trust me hun, I can't thank you enough for giving Harry such a powerful feeling of love for the past four years. You're like my son as well. And Jay is like my sister. We're all a family. It's like you two were meant to be. So right now, you need to let him go for a while. The doctor's told me he'l be waking up anytime now, but with you here Louis, it will spark him up. That won't be good son. He was in the accident thinking of you, if he wakes up at the sight of you, it won't be good. Just trust me honey. If he pushes you away, let him push you away. I promise you that you will find your way to each other again. No doubt in that."

"B-But Anne, I-"

"I'm not asking you to leave the hospital honey. Once he's conscious, he will decide if you can be here with him. All i'm asking of you is please let me be the one to be here when he wakes up." the sobs pour out of Louis as he hugged Anne tight, burring his face in the crook of her neck

"I-I really love him Anne. Forever." she nodded kissing his head and soothing his back while whispering reassuring words to him. Until he nodded wiping his eyes and kissed her cheek then walked out crying even more

Anne sighed and sat on the bed once again squeezing Harry's leg.


I squeezed my eyes and groaned at the pain in my back. Soft hands were at my side and I slowly blinked open my eyes and was temporarily blinded by the white light. As they adjusted, I saw my mothers exhausted figure beside me

How Will I Survive *Larry Stylinson Fanfiction*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt