
I sat up gasping for breath, frantically looking around the darkroom. The light flipped on, scaring me so badly that I screamed.

"Relax," May's calm voice said, smoothing me as I tried to slow my breathing.

"You must think I'm crazy," I said, wincing as my mind replayed the vivid images.

"No, I think you are talented" I looked at her as if she was crazy. She might have been, she was the only babysitter as you might call it, that didn't run away from me. She was yet to lose her patience with me or raise her voice. She has never voiced if she thought I was crazy although I am sure she thought I was. Overall I found her quite odd.

"How?" I asked

"I thought it was just a myth but it is true you just proved it. Do tell me Soñadora what you dreamt of"

"It was the funeral age but instead of going with his family and eating a depressing dinner I went to a place that we used to hang out and found something as the nightmare went on it got more confusing, he was somehow alive, than the nightmare I woke up as a child, I tried to change the past and here I am"

"You are a true Soñadora" she mused

"Would you please stop calling me a dreamer?" I asked about to lose it.

"Please don't lose your patience with me Soñadora"

"If you call me Soñadora one more time I swear-

" Are you religious?" She asked, interrupting me.

"No," I responded, finding the question slightly invasive.

"Well I am," she said

"Really what is your religion?" I asked.


"You made that word up," I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

"No, it is an ancient religion that is very exclusive"

"So what is your religion based on?" I asked, trying not to sound too rude. I mean she was hired to look after me because everyone thought I was crazy, waking up with vivid nightmares ever since the funeral.

"People like yourself," she said, looking at me as if I were an angel or something.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, only partly curious.

"In my religion, we believe that dreams have meaning, they are trying to tell us something, I was lead to you by a dream and when I found out you might be a true Soñadora now there was only a chance, but as your dreams continued the chance got bigger and grander"

"Nightmares" I corrected her.

"No your dreams are trying to tell you something, deep down you know it, your dreams are trying to communicate to you, something you missed, forgot. There must have been something that you should have found from Ezra that day" I pondered on what May had said, of course, there was a possibility. I eternally replayed my dream and gasped, May was right.

"I have to go, Ezra left something for me," I said as I sprinted out of my room.

"I didn't mean it that literally" May shouted after me as I ran down the hall stumbling in the darkness.

"You may not have, but I am sure..." I trailed off as I stumbled over a chair in the darkness. "The diary he wants me to read the diary, that was what the main part of the dream was"




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