
I got a strange sense of déjà vu as I ran into the forest, the branches cloaked by darkness tore at my nightgown. Hey, don't judge it was comfortable. When I reached the treehouse, to my astonishment there was a faint glow. I narrowed my eyes as I tried to see what it was coming from, there was no electricity in the treehouse, and there was no way that a flashlight would be still running after four months. It wasn't bright enough to be a flashlight anyways, it was more of a blue glow, that was flickering.

Swallowing down my nervousness, I started the climb up the ladder. I must have blanked out because one second I was struggling to detangle my nightgown and then I was in the treehouse. I looked around the treehouse, it looked the same as my dream, except the diary was open, a pen lying across it, and ink splattered everywhere. Squirting my eyes a little I read,

Dear Delta,

First of all please don't freak out. Second of all, no I'm not alive. Sorry to get your hopes up. I was hoping too. I was hoping that I could stay like how I was forever, a ghost as one might call it, but no, even ghosts fade away. I want to say a proper goodbye. Please don't scream.


I turned around slowly, waiting for someone to jump in my face and start laughing, at me saying I had fallen for some cruel joke. I waited for at least a few minutes, and when nothing happened I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Delta,'' a voice identical to Ezras said. I gasped jumping back. The blue flickering light got closer and almost magnetized to me. When I looked up it looked like a person. One person in particular.

"Ezra?" I asked, my voice wavering. "How are you here?" I asked.

"When I jumped, it was as if I was watching a replica of me jumping, like my body was dead, but some part of me wasn't," Ezra started.


"No it's true, but my time is slowing, soon I will be totally gone," Ezra said.

"Yeah right '' I said. At those words, Ezra seemed to walk closer to me, no float would be a better word. He was closer and closer until he seemed to walk right through me.

Everything around me started to spin, I couldn't concentrate on anything, as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Then the darkness took over me.




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