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~ One month ago ~

The red light of a camera blinked at the corner of the room. A small square of metal was attached to the whitewashed ceiling. It was far enough that it could be seen, yet only the sharpest of eyes would catch the tell-tale sign of being watched.

"I expected better of you, Analyst," I said. "I advise you to rethink your actions before continuing with your assignment." I was still angry at him for conversing with some West Quarter citizens. My Officials had it drilled into them that it was strictly forbidden to have any form of contact with West Quarter citizens, without my permission.

The Analyst's face reddened. "I'm very sorry Leader sir. I don't know what I was thinking." He twisted his fingers, radiating nervousness. I wasn't sure how, but I could somehow tell that this man was hiding something.

I snapped my fingers loudly, making him jump. "I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour," I hissed. "You will not do it again."

"....I...I w-won't, Leader sir." He looked at his feet.

"I expect you to complete this assignment without fail. You are one of my best Analysts, you must do well." A lie from me. He was far from being a top Analyst. The curiosity was there; the discipline was not. He was just another example of someone who did not understand the consequences of breaking the rules.

"Yes, Leader sir. I promise you that you that I will do very well. You will be very proud of me, I promise."

I looked down at the man with a hint of disdain. "Very well sir. I will leave you to prepare for departure."

"Yes, of course, Leader sir. Thank you very much, sir." The Officer breathed out a small sigh of relief and quickly left the room.


I purposefully walked out of the room, down the long corridor. I was glad to be away from that man. Distrust was thick in the air as I gave him his warning. I would have to fire him if he showed such bad behaviour again.

I was about to pay a visit to the Virus Control Department. They had made a huge breakthrough a week ago. The Scientists discovered the final part of the virus that they were working on. It was the key to winning the war. I was sick of losing men to the war against the Countries - we'd been fighting a merciless war for many years and it was time to end it.

"Good Morning, Leader sir," the Scientists bowed to me. "Shall we outline our progress so far?"

I nodded.

"Alright. Last week, we completed the making of the Virus. As you know, we were working on this for many years, so it was great to finally accomplish our goals--"

Mildly irritated, I interrupted him. "Get on with it."

The Scientists led me over to a table. "We tested the Virus on our human subjects and it spread like wildfire. They were all infected within a few days and it was confirmed that the Virus is airborne. If we use this in the war, then we can win it within a few weeks of releasing it. It will slowly paralyse and cripple the soldiers."

I smile at them. "Well, well. I'm very impressed with your work. This is a great discovery and now we can claim what is rightfully ours." I patted the Scientist on his back, making him blush.

I turned around to leave the room. "I will request for this to be transported over to the containment centres."


I walked over to the airlifts and requested to be transported to the bottom floor. I had some business to do there. When I arrived, my favourite Scientist scurried over to me. "Leader sir, welcome. I have very good news."

"Yes, Scientist?" I had a faint idea of what I was about to hear.

"Our tests were successful, Leader sir. The lab rats were infected by the adapted Virus. They tested positive within 12 hours of exposure."

My demeanour changed entirely. I grabbed the Scientist by the shirt, shocking him into silence. "Do you know what this means?" I hissed, my thin lips forming a smile. "This adapted Virus is twice as deadly and contagious. This means that it will kill the other soldiers." I let that sink in.

I sent an order for it to be shipped out on my Messenger. The Scientist saw it out of the corner of his eye and panicked. "No, Leader sir! You can't!" He cried out. "It is highly contagious! It could spread to our own soldiers if we're not careful! And our citizens!"

I sent a cold glare at the Scientist. "Are you telling me what to do?" My warning tone prevented him from persisting. The Scientist looked down.

My eyes gleamed maliciously. "We will win the war."


Author's note:

Thank you for reading the Prologue. It was from the perspective of the Leader, whose identity is yet to be discovered.............

I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please leave a vote. It would make my day. :)

If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to comment. At the end of every chapter I write in this story, I will leave an author's note and you can comment what you think here!

Read on to Chapter 1 to meet the star of the the story, Violet. 

- Future Worlds

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