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The knock on Jimin's door made his body tense up. He walked to the door and when he opened up Yoongi was there.

There was a hint of shock on Jimin's face. In all honesty he didn't think Yoongi would be back today. He assumed Chan would be guarding him after their previous confrontation.

"I'm here to take you downstairs to eat breakfast."

Jimin nodded once and walked by. Yoongi wasn't used to being treated this way, but he knew he deserved it. For hurting Jimin and breaking his heart.

They kept quiet in the elevator. The scent of Taehyung lingered through the air making Yoongi extremely upset. He knew Jimin had showered, but he was wearing the same pair of clothes from the previous night.

This was a slap to the face and it wounded Yoongi's ego. He knew that Jimin had no other choice but to sleep with Taehyung. It's not like he could decline the offer. But he had always been so thoughtful to not wear clothes that smelled like him. 

Over these last few months, he had avoided hearing and seeing the things Taehyung did to him. Now that he was back as his guard he couldn't spare the torture.

As soon as the door opened, Yoongi rushed out. He felt like he couldn't breathe in there. His mind was playing cruel jokes on him, painting awful images in his mind.

Jimin quickly followed behind and glanced at him from the corner or his eyes. Yoongi had a blank look on his face and it seemed like he was walking faster to not be close to him.

This hurt his feelings a bit and he finally gave up trying to keep up. By the time they arrived at the dining room, Jimin was already fed up.

His arms were crossed over his chest and a frown forming his lips. The familiar red tint on the tips of his ears was spreading over his face. His mood was all over the place, but once he looked down at his breakfast place he felt himself deflate.

Three banana strawberry pancakes were stacked, scrambled eggs, a side dish of fruits and a large cup of orange juice.

The usual.

This flooded him with so many emotions that he felt his eyes tear up. He stubbornly bit his lip until he tasted the blood. Why did he do this? Why did he make it seem like he cared? Like he remembered everything he did for him?

"Eat." He instructed.

Jimin turned his face away and swallowed down the knot of emotions that had built up within him. "Why did you change my breakfast? I don't want to eat this." He said through his gritted teeth.

"I apologize. I didn't know you didn't eat this anymore, but are you really going to let this go to waste? I'll let you order your own from now on."

Seconds later, after stabilizing his emotions Jimin turned around to face him. His eyes had blinked down the tears and the knot was long gone and replaced with anger.

"Don't change it anymore." He stated while taking a seat.

The silence was now very awkward. Jimin felt like he was chewing too loudly, but he refused to look up at Yoongi who was by the door waiting.

The food was sweet. Too sweet to the point it was nauseating. Jimin couldn't tell if it was because he hadn't had this in a while or because the simple gesture made him feel butterflies.

Lately, he wasn't used to butterflies. It felt like they were trying to fly with holes in their wings. It hurt. Every little nice thing Yoongi did hurt because it motivated these butterflies to keep trying and in the end they'd fall again.

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