Chapter 55

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«Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid»

«Little by little, the bird makes its nest.»

I chewed the tip of my pen until I accidentally inhaled a piece of plastic. I grabbed my neck and violently coughed. My throat was burning, my eyes watering, saliva dripping on the floor. I threw it up and laid on the floor, in spotted sunlight, hyperventilating. A piece of plastic almost defeated my whole existence.

I got carried away while trying to figure out my math homework. Online school was more complicated than being present in a classroom. The slightest noise distracted me, and I got lost in my thoughts. I needed my concentration, the second-trimester exams were in the corner, and I needed to ace all my tests. If not, my GPA would decrease, and I might lose my salutatorian title. Things were different and more challenging in Trinity.

Five days ago, Maddie busted into my room with the help I was desperately waiting for, and yet nothing else hasn't happened. I was incarcerated in this room, with my only priority being schoolwork, and my head was going to blow up. Things weren't going as I expected, and it was a punch in my heart. Maybe I overestimated stuff. I honestly hoped I would have been out of here by today.

Murmurs, on the other side, caught my attention. I crawled and pressed my ear against the door, but I couldn't comprehend what was occurring, so I took a chance and turned the doorknob. It opened.

I guessed it was my chance to run away, but Maddie and four more men were arguing with the bodyguard right in front of me.

Oh, for Fuck's sake.

"Hello? Is there a problem?"

They all silenced. Two of the men appeared recognizable. Sebastian Johnson and Richard Harrington, Elvero's Corporation lawyers. Excellent, very nice.

"My apologies for the disturbance, Ms. Royale. My name is Sebastian Johnson." The black tall slim man shook my hand with a charming smile.

"I know who you are." I smiled back. "And this is Richard Harrington." I turned to his partner. Mr. Harrington. He removed his hat and lightly bowed.

"Very nice to meet you, Ms. Royale." His blue eyes were captive, his growing beard started to have a few gray hairs. He was charming for a white male, maybe in his late 40s.

"I guess I don't have to introduce myself." The third man said. He was Asian, the tallest, his dark suit embraced his not too slim body, and he looked down at me with a cute grin. He was handsome, and I couldn't believe I was admitting to that. "I am SangWoo Kwan, Elvero's family attorney."

"Oh, nice to meet you." I gave him my best smile and agreed to shake his hand.

"Urgh, since no one is going to present me, I will." The last man complained, setting a little laughter. A blond hair, shorter than other guys, stepped in front. "I am Ryan. Ryan Davis. I am here to represent Leonel De Elvero and his son."

"This is very nice to meet you all. Wow." I scoffed. "What's the holding up? Please enter." I gestured them to come inside.

"We are having a little problem with this guy," Maddie spoke and gazed at the bodyguard scornfully.

"No visitors are allowed." He straightened his posture to be more intimidating.

"Excuse me?" I yelled and pulled his shoulder to face me. "Under whose jurisdiction? I am not a prisoner and I am allowed to have visitors unless you have a paper that says otherwise. Now if you'll pardon me, I have companies."

Without waiting for an answer, I beckoned everyone to my temporary home. I invited them to sit down and also took a seat next to Maddie. Her floral perfume invading my nostrils. The four men facing us. I lightly smiled at her when she timidly checked on me with a single glance.

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