14. Power

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Stella faced the man confused everything in her told her to run, but she stood her ground. She took in his appearance, he was tall with black shoulder-length black hair he was wearing a strange black and green leather outfit. "Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Loki."

"As in the Norse God? Doubtful, you shouldn't be out here."

"So you've heard of me then." He replied it wasn't a question it was a statement. The girl intrigued him she seemed vastly different than any other mortal she was unafraid of him. This was exactly the kind of person he had been looking for.

"That didn't answer my question."

"Yes as in the God."

"Prove it." Loki obliged using his magic to create several of himself surrounding her. Stella's eyes went wide, but quickly caught herself and masked her surprise. "What interest could a God hold for me to be here."

"You've lost something haven't you?"

"You're going to have to do better than that, you're regarded as a trickster."

"So I am, how have you heard so much about me Stella?"

"I studied several theologies when I was young it was one of several interests."

Loki pulled his magic back and took a few steps towards Stella. She knew if she hit the transmitter now they'd make their way back to her within an hour, but something in her told her to wait a few more moments.

"I can help you, I can give you the power to bring back everything you've lost," he could tell he had her full attention now and he pulled the orb out from behind him. He knew Odin wouldn't appreciate his meddling with mortals, but he was curious what effects the stones would have on them. The girl in front of him reeked with grief if she died no one would question it. "All you need do is touch this stone, and everything that once was lost will be found."

Loki held the orb out to Stella and she saw it starting to glow an ominous purple as she found herself taking steps to it. She pressed the transmitter in her pocket before reaching out towards it in somewhat of a trance. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You'd do anything to get them back, wouldn't you? You said so yourself I am a God why wouldn't I have the power to bring them back? Step into your power Stella."

Stella's fingers made contact with the stone and a flash of purple overtook her. She felt the power surge into her like molten fire spreading through her veins. She let out an inhuman scream as the pain became overbearing what seemed like an eternity was only a few minutes.

Loki withdrew the stone and saw a shard of it had gone missing "interesting," he said and then left to return the orb getting back to Asgard before anyone noticed he was missing. He had a feeling he and Stella would cross paths again sometime in the future.

Stella laid on the ground her chest heaving the pain now starting to subside. She tried standing but just as quickly as she made her way to her feet she passed out. Stella wasn't sure when exactly she woke up, but she noticed she was in a hospital room. She groaned as she sat up and removed her IV. Howard entered the room as she tried to stand up and rushed to her side.

"Whoa there, you've been out for few days take it slow."

"I'm fine dad," Stella said poking fun at his over-protectiveness.

"I see your humor wasn't injured. What happened out there, when they found you you were unconscious."

"I'll explain later when we get home not here." Howard nodded and went to convince the doctors to release Stella much to their protest.

Once they arrived back at Howard's home in upstate New York Stella set her stuff in her designated room. Howard had made sure Stella knew that she was welcome to stay with him for as long as she wanted. She decided it was probably for the best being she had nowhere else to go and now more than ever she would need his help. Stella wasn't even sure she knew exactly what had happened to her. All she knew is she felt vastly different than she had before her encounter with Loki.

The thought of the God pissed her off her entire body growing hot, he had lied to her, he tricked her then left she was nothing more than an experiment. Howard entered her room and his eyes went wide. "Stella your hands," he said warily grabbing the vase off her nightstand.

"My hands what," she asked looking down and seeing what Howard was talking about. Two small fires engulfed them causing her to freak out and Howard threw the water from the vase onto them. When it didn't affect them at all she looked at him scared, "what the hell is happening?"

"Try calming down take a few breaths," Howard suggested.

She did as she was told and the fires dissipated until they had disappeared completely. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

Howard rushed over to her taking her hands in his and looking them over, "no burns, that didn't hurt at all?"

Stella shook her head "I didn't feel anything I was just angry about what had happened and then you came in and that."

"I'm going to need you to explain every single thing that happened to me, skip no details. But first, let's go somewhere you can't light the entire place on fire okay?"

Stella nodded and followed him outside to the expansive yard.

"Okay now start."

AN: So things are heating up (pun intended I'm hilarious I know.) Let me know how you guys are enjoying the story. I've got a lot more in store this is by no means the end. I know things don't line up to perfect canon, however, this is an AU and I needed to change some things to fit my story. What's been your favorite Stella moment so far?

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now