Chapter one

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Raven POV

   "Guys, why do I have to wear this?"  I ask as I walk out of the bathroom from changing into the dress lily gave me.

It was a red short dress that felt way to tight and would break if I tried to sit. "Because you look hot, and it will get you laid trust me," she says as she passes me red heels to match the dress.

Ally comes out of the bathroom next wearing a black dress that fits amazing on her body. "How do I look," she says doing poses, trying to be a model.

Lily was already dressed before us and was wearing a white silk dress that was loose and looked like it would blow off her with the wind.

"Ok, can we just go already and get this over with?" I wine as I pick up my phone and my purses that has all my thing in it. "Yes come on let's go!" ally yelled. We all walk out of the building to the car.

Once we get there we have the boncer check our IDS and then we go in. Once we head in we head straight to the bar.

Ally and lily order 6 shots of vodka and once they came lily put two in front of each of us. I take the glass and I put it up to my mouth chugging the substance down my throat.

Once I'm done with the last one I notice ally and lily already are dancing with each other. I don't like dancing much so usually when we go out I sit at the bar and watch them have fun.

"Hi bartender, can I get a glass of whisky please," I ask the tall man serving everyone drinks. He walks over and hands me a glass.

The color looked a lot darker the usual but I didn't think too much of it. I take the glass and drink it sip by sip.

I feel something on my back and I turn my head to see a man maybe around 10 years older than me standing beside me before sitting on the stool next to me. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Look I don't want to sleep with you," I say looking at him annoyed. He puts his hand up in defense and says "I was just trying to buy you a drink girl" I feel something grab my thigh and look down to see the man's hand there.

"Dude get your hand off me" I shout forcefully grabbing his hand and moving it. I stand up and look through the crowd to try to see my friends. I finally spot them and walk over to them.

"Guys can we go home I don't want to be here," I say fidgeting with my fingers and they stare at me. "No we aren't going home you can walk home though because you can't take my car we need it so I can get home"

"Please guys can we just go home I'm not feeling so good" I beg as a dizzy feeling starts to go through my body. "Listen stop being all sad and making up an excuse because you're jealous you can't be laid"

I start walking away with the feeling of nausea. "Bye Virginia mary!" I hear one of them yell towards me and a bunch of laughter after.

I make it outside the club walking down the sidewalk trying to not collapse with the dizziness running through my head.

My feet start to give out as I fall to the ground trying to go unconscious. My eyes struggle to stay open and I hear a car pull up and a door open.

My vision is blurry but u can still see the figure of a man holding what looks like a needle in his hand Crouching down to my level.

He sticks the needle into my neck, I'm too weak to scream for help I just lay there as my eyes give out and everything goes black

Ravens dress

Anyways that was my first chapter I hope you enjoyed so far and I will get better I think

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Anyways that was my first chapter I hope you enjoyed so far and I will get better I think....
Well thank you for reading <3

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