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      "What did I do wrong?" He said to himself. The next day he saw Krotalisma in the morning rather than the night Her body hummed with electricity. Glykos opened his mouth to ask where she was but she spoke first, in a deep, assertive tone "I must go to war." "Ok, for how long?" Glykos asked. "Im not sure, maybe forever." She replied. "Forever?!" Glykos yelled

      "Forever for you, anyway. I made a deal with Zeus. He gave me more power, immorality. He made me a different kind of Demigod. But I am vulnerable now" she explained. She pulled out an orb of light "I want you to have this, guard it with your life. Sometimes power comes at a cost. That ball of life is me. If it is destroyed I will die. That's why I've decided to keep it with you, the man I used to love." She said

     "Used to?" Glykos asked, heart broken. "It was the only way to get stronger. I traded my heart for power. And now. It's yours." Krotalisma stood up and walked away. "Wait!" Glykos yelled. "Don't you want to dance!?" She kept walking. And left. Glykos looked into the the glowing ball. In it he could see his reflection. He stared at his crooked nose. Longing for something. Word worked around Olympus quickly. The demigods were going to war. Now luckily he didn't have to go, being a crippled and all, but he still wanted to be able to defend himself in case of an attack.

       He decided to create a suit of magical armor. He melted down some Odysseian Iron it was a magic metal that could be used to absorb attacks from blood magic. A class of magic used by people who got their  magic from their family blood line. He forged a giant suit, incorporating his exoskeleton legs into it. He needed a power source so he used Krotalismas heart. It wasn't destroyed, rather some power was syphoned off from it. From her.

        So he waited. Waited for his love to return from her fight. He left the forge on his wheelchair and went out to town. All the demigods were marching home from the war, leading the march was Krotalisma. She didn't so much as glance in the general direction of Glykos. There he sat, surrounded as the Demigods silently marched to the barracks. Glykos knew that Krotalismas love for him was torn out off her chest.

~Egyptian army, before the war~

Isis was a cheater in every sense of the word. She cheated on tests, Homework, and even her partners. Just kidding about that last one. Isis knew very little about magic. Instead of using it the proper way she would bring in hieroglyphics to hide on her, making it just seem like she knew magic.

"They say fake it till you make it. But what is the point of that if you have no idea what your doing once you make it" Temet, Isis's sister said Isis was scribbling down hieroglyphics from a book she stole from the library "you should at least memorize those symbols, maybe you'll learn something" Isis looked at Temet like she was a fucking idiot. "What's the point of cheating if I learn and memorize things in order to do it!?" Isis asked.

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