Our identities

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Somehow. I don't know why,whyyyyy did i feel myself blushing after that text? I can't fall for a hacker. I don't even know if he's a criminal or a white hacker. But whoever he is...he managed to make me blush just by that sentence.

Y/n: oh well i- thank you?

???: well I have to go now. Thank you for the small talk..I haven't had one in a long time

Y/n: We'll have more of it I mean if you'd like to-

???: we shall see.

Y/n: see you later hackerman

???: see you later Y/n...
???: :)

This is the first time he seems to loosen up around me well maybe he's not so bad after all? the smiley face seems..geniune. It's cute.

2 days later...

The group, hackerman and i found out alot regarding Hannah. A missing body...identfied as female but thank goodness it wasn't Hannah then also her diary, An unknown man, Iris.. and an unknown family.

Nothing to show us where Hannah was but i did get a strange call. A threatening call. It was the kidnapper.He's scared. He's coming out from his hiding that means he knows someone had joined the investigation. Does he know about hackerman? maybe.

Y/n: I need to speak to you!

???: hello Y/n

Y/n: was that you??

???: was I what??

Y/n: I got a call,a threatening call.

???: what???

Y/n: yes. It's more likely to be a man's voice. He asked me to stay out of people's affairs.

???: interesting. He's coming out of his hideout. His safeplace.

Y/n: He is scared of me.

???: Exactly.

???: this might be a good thing.

Y/n: well it was me who was threatened and not you...but maybe yes it is a good thing.

I mean I've faced many criminals and yes I'm used to them attacking me but it still gives me the shivers.

???: I won't let him hurt you

???: I mean you play a key role in all this mess,you're very important for us to be able to solve this case and find Hannah.

Y/n: yes....

Well he atleast cares for me? maybe just because I can find Hannah? I don't know.

???: I..well I'll go do my work. See you later.

Y/n: see you :D!

??? pov:

That's adorable. No one has ever sent me that. No wait I'm not supposed to get close. I have to keep myself away from them as much as I can.

End of pov.

Later on I kept investigating and did not listen to his "advice" and he then sent me a video of Cleo taking a walk IN the forest.

I immediately informed hackerman and he asked me not to tell anyone. I ofcourse protested and asked him why he's so afraid.

Y/n: She's in danger!! I can't just sit here!!
???: Y/n.
???: I am wanted by the government. I did something that I shouldn't have done. That's all you have to know for now. If you send the video our work would be revealed.
Y/n: I- but how?? how will it be ruined??

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