5. Sleepover.

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Finlay just kept annoying me during class. Either trying to tickle me or flirt with me or annoy me.
"Stop." I whisper yelled at Finlay who I supposed shrugged.

"Oh come on princess just look at me, if you look at me I'll stop." He pleaded.

"I don't want to get distracted." I said still not looking at him.
He didn't reply and I thought he had given up. I thought wrong.
Finlay threw a pencil at me head making me hiss in pain.

"Any problem over there?" Our English teacher, Miss Woods asked with a raised brow.

"No ma'am." Finlay replied making it seem like she was talking to him.
Miss Woods nodded then faced the board again. I turned to glare at Finlay angrily.

"What was that?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"What? At least I got you to look at me." He said innocently leaning his back on his chair.

"Ugggh..... Finlay stop distracting me." I said  then he smirked. He leaned his hands on his desk then put his face on both his hands.

"You mean I distract you." He whispered making me blush.

"Finlay just shut up." I said then flicked my finger on his forehead making it turn red. He winced glaring at me then he faced the board.

Zaid chuckled while Mikayla giggled at our silly behavior.
I rolled my eyes then faced the board.
The bell rang and Miss Woods stopped talking then packed all her books into her suitcase and walked out.
All the students waited until she was away before we stood up then walked out of the class with our bag hung up on our shoulders.
Mikayla and I had a free period and we usually spent it at the library so we were headed there now before Finlay and his friend walked towards towards us.
Final walked by my side while Zaid walked closer to Mikayla and they engaged in a conversation.

"Hey princess where you going?" Finlay asked making me roll my eyes.
We're still on this princess shit right.

"Finlay?" I called.


"How many times have I told you to stop calling me princess?" I asked and he stroked his chin thinking if something.

"Since I started calling you princess." He replied.

"Why are you still calling me princess." I asked throwing my hands up and accidentally hitting him on the face.

"What are you gonna do about it," He paused. "Princess." He taunted with a smirk.
I sighed.

"There's no use arguing with you. Is there?" I asked making him grin cheekily.

"Nope." He said.

"Fine then. We're going to the library." I answered his question earlier.

"You read? When you have a free period?" He asked with disbelief written on his face.

"Yeah so... What do you do when you have a free period?" I asked.

"Let's go the garden, we can talk about stuffs there." He suggested.

"Huh okay Mikayla?" I called my best friend who was looking at Zaid dreamily.

"Yeah?" She answered snapping out of her daze.

"We wanna go to the garden. Wanna come?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Why not?" She replied and we all walked towards the school garden.
Immediately we got to the garden, we all entered then sat on the grass.

"Hey don't you guys have any other friends?" Mikayla asked directing her questions towards the boys.

"We do actually." Zaid replied

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