Chapter 14

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I make my way downstairs, after being woken up by my mother in the most horrible way, she opened the blinds, took my blanket off me and said the following.

"oi, cunt get up. 30 minutes to get ready for breakfast now." and left. I wore a cute plated purple skirt, with a black belt which had spikes I wore torn tights and a baggy shirt I would normally wear like a couple of necklaces and more rings than again but. it's gay so I can't -_-.

"Morning," I say coming down to the dining table, dad takes a sip of his cup of joe and nods lifting it. (a form of hello) and mum says morning back, I sit down at the table as Mary places my breakfast in front of me, almost all our servants stand in front of us and give mum and dad a report of what's on around the manor.

"oh and Y/n would you like to come to the school with me? we'll only be looking around it's a public school and doesn't worry no one will know anything about you. it was recommended by Vicky." she says.

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"I mean sure why not, when are we leaving?" I ask her.

"Now, so come on!" She says I quickly get up not being able to finish my breakfast, we go into the large garage I stair down the row of cars and motorcycles.

"We taking the bike, it'll be quicker," Mum says putting on her leather jacket, I nod and grab mine. Mine was not only smaller but it had a special design on it, Ryku was on the back.

Suddenly mum puts a small buggy on the bike and Lucy a guard dog sits in it.

"Mum do we need to bring her?" I ask her she nods.

"I don't want no one stealing my bike now do I?" She says chuckling slightly I sigh.

I grab my helmet and so does mum I quickly hop on the back of her, as we sit on the bike. The door goes up and we speed off. Lucy puts her tongue out I smile at the dog, she's mums also another reason we can't get luna.

Mum was good with a bike, not too risky so I was fine riding with her it's the dad I get worried about. We make it to the school the first thing that surprised me was that no one was wearing a uniform.

"Lucy stay," mum says and we leave her to guard the bike, she's not violent unless you touch the bike she responds to a whistle that and mum carries around.

In Australia, you always had some form of uniform public or private. The public was just more leant, you could dye your hair none natural colours and could sometimes rock up to school in just the school colours.

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