A Launched Attack

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Albedo eyes slowly cracks open, as the sunlight hit his eyes. He saw something black in colour. Curious as to what it was, Albedo took a few blinks to finally realise what he was looking at.

Albedo eyes widen slightly, as he stared at Y/n's face inches away from his. He tried to move away but was unable to since Y/n arms were awkwardly wrapped around him, trapping him in a hug.

"So... When will the wedding be held?"

Albedo looked up to only to make eye-contact with the last person he wanted see. Kaeya.


"Nothing, I didn't say anything." Kaeya smirked.

Albedo sighed and carefully pry away Y/n's arms as to not accidentally wake her up. However, it seems that Y/n is quite the light sleeper.

"Albedo? Kaeya?" Y/n asked confused, until the memories of last night came flooding back. Y/n's eyes drifted back towards Albedo's sketchbook, ultimately causing her blush to rose up again.

"Y/n, Are you alright? You look kind of red." Kaeya asked with a smug look on his face along with a underlining teasing tone.


Kaeya noticed her eyes trailing towards a certain sketchbook. Albedo  seemed to predict what Kaeya was about to do, but unfortunately, he beat him to it.

"Well well well... what do we have here?" Kaeya smugly said while flipping through his sketchbook.

"Hey! Give it back." Albedo tried to reach for it but Kaeya being much more taller than him. Quickly raise up his hand causing Albedo's sketchbook to be out of his reach.

"Bingo! Is this perhaps what you are flustered about, Y/n?" Kaeya shoved the sketchbook in front of her face.

Y/n only replied with a train of stutters.

"What do you have to say Albedo?"

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Ouch, Albedo, your colder than DragonSpine....." Kaeya whined.

"But.. Why?" Y/n's voice interrupted their childish conversation.

"What why?" They said in unison.

"Why would you draw me out of all people..." Y/n looked at the opposite way, avoiding eye-contact with Albedo. (and to hide the blush on her face)

"Last time I checked, drawing beautiful things isn't a wrong doing."

"What was that supposed to mean?!" Before Y/n could get anymore redder, Kaeya interjected.

"I hate to interrupt you two love birds but I have a serious problem with you, Albedo." The strictness in his tone was off-putting compare to his joking mood a few seconds ago. Both Albedo and Y/n tensed up a tad bit.

"Albedo.... Why is it that you draw fricking hilichurls more detailed than me?!" Kaeya slammed a drawing of....... himself? And Albedo's drawing of a hillichurl.

"Excuse me?"

"Albedo you got to be realistic here, is a hillichurl really more pleasing to the eye than I am?!" Kaeya was partially screaming at Albedo at this point. Y/n couldn't help but feel amused by this.

"Yes." An arrow seemed to strike through his heart. (Critical Hit!)
Kaeya was seen shortly after, sulking at the corner.

"Albedo.. You cold-blooded creature."

Katana of Corruption  (Genshin impact! Albedo x Vessel! Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now