Chapter 10: Bedtime (Louis' POV)

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AN: Shout out to xoxtannaxox <3 she's amazing!!! Btw, This story is in America. please vote and tell your friends!!!!!


"Louis, who is Eleanor?" She asked for the second time with confusion in her voice. I am such a fucking dumb ass! What the fuck is wrong with me? "That's just my ex. I never said 'I love you' to her." I said, trying my best to sound convincing. She nodded and looked away.

I grabbed her cheek in one hand and turned her head lightly to look into my eyes. I looked at her with a reassuring smile. "Its nothing to worry about. Obviously I didn't love her, I don't right now, and I never will." She smiled and I leaned in and kissed her.

When I said my last sentence, something struck inside me. I had an idea, and I knew that this was the right thing to do. "Hold on. I have to make a quick call." I said and walked outside. I walked and sat inside my car. I pulled out my phone and dialed ' Eleanor'.

The phone rang three times before I heard an answer. "Hellloooooooo?" I barely heard Eleanor's voice over the booming music. "Eleanor, we have to talk." I said, completely ignoring the fact the fact that she was probably grinding against some guy as we spoke.

"Whatever you - hic- say BOO - hic- BEAR" She managed to choke out. I rolled my eyes. "Eleanor, I don't know if I can do this anymore. You never listen to me, you're always out getting drunk, and you basically live off of me."

I paused just to let my message sink in to her. "What I am trying to say is, that we are through, and you need to get you and your stuff out of my house by tomorrow." And with that, I hung up. She was probably too drunk to understand what I was even saying.

I walked back inside the house and walked into the kitchen. I got a glass of water, and then went upstairs to find Chelsea sitting on her bed texting. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Ewww! Louis!" She said while giggling and wiping the wetness off of her cheek. She turned to give me a proper kiss on the lips and I smiled back at her. I laid down and snuggled under her blankets.

She did the same thing cuddling up into my chest. She grabbed onto my hand and we both watched our intertwined fingers, as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world. It was a complete silence for both of us. We dropped our hands and eventually turned to face each other.

We both stared into each other's eyes. Her eyes were a golden brown with a mix of green. They were the most beautiful eyes in the world. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you..." I whispered to her. "I love you too." She replied with a smile.

Those four words made me the happiest man on earth. "Really?" I asked her. She nodded and snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in tight. I felt like if I let go, she would be gone forever. Yes, I know we have known each other for only two days, but I could honestly say, that I was madly in love with her. I feel like the first moment I looked at her, something just... clicked. I can't explain it.

I felt a lot less guilty knowing that I didn't have to think about Eleanor any more. I was getting tired of that bitch anyways. "Louis?" I heard Chelsea ask. "Yeah?" I replied. "Are you still awake?" She asked. I burst out laughing. "Obviously I'm awake if I responded to you.

She opened her eyes and laughed at herself. "I'm not tired." She said sitting up. I followed her actions. "Me either." She sighed. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "You" I said with a proud smile.

I thought she would laugh, but instead, she gave me a seductive look and pushed me over. She leaned down after me and kissed me, swiping my lip, wanting entrance into my mouth. I gladly let her in while my left hand.started to tangle in her hair.

I sat back up and took off her shirt. "If I'm topless, you're topless." She said as she pulled my shirt off of my head. "This time, I will be taking off my bra." She said with a teasing smile. I stuck my tongue out at her.

She laid me back down and kissed my chin. Her kisses slowly moved down to my chest. Eventually on my stomach. She unbuttoned my pants and slowly started to unzip my zipper. I sat up. "If I don't have pants on, you don't.have pants on." I said with a teasing voice.

She stood up and pulled down her sweat pants, and finally pulled mine down too. I was only in my boxers, and she was only in her bra and panties. I sat up and pulled her towards me, sitting her on my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist. She slithered her arms around my neck and kissed seductively.

She scooted forward a little bit, still on my crotch, which got me hard. She stopped kissing me and laughed. She unhooked her bra. She laid me back down and slowly stuck her hand in my boxers. She grabbed my penis and smiled at me.

She let go of my member and slowly pulled down my boxers. I pulled her panties down without a comment. We both smiled at each other. I suddenly stood up and kissed her with force and passion. It was the greatest feeling ever to have her lips against mine.

The kiss lasted for a couple seconds until she slowly got to her knees. Just then, the phone rang again.DAMN IT!!! I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands out of frustration. She stood up and stomped to her phone.

"Hello?" She asked in her sweetest voice. Where are my boxers? I looked but couldn't find them anywhere. "Everything is going great!" I heard her say. I finally found my boxers and I picked them up. Suddenly, I saw two hands snatch them away from me. I looked up to see Chelsea. "We're not done yet!" She mouthed to me.

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