[Hopekook] But I Still Want You...

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(Idea from luvlykoos 😼) (This is a different plot)

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(Idea from luvlykoos 😼)
(This is a different plot)

Fans were saddened, Jungkook had announced his breakup with his boyfriend, Hoseok. After 2 years of being together, they had broken up.


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Missing you...

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Randomuser- 😔

Randomuser2- you guys would still look cute together...

Randomuser3 - I miss you guys together


"Yes, baby?" Hoseok says, chuckling as he looked at Jungkook in the phone.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too, darling" Hoseok says, smiling.
"Come back soon" Hoseok says, winking. Jungkook laughs, nodding.

"Love you~"

"Love you too, you big baby"

"Love you too, you big baby"

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