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"That wasn't so bad" I said while walking towards my car.

"You got shot Liliana. That was bad" Oscar said and I rolled my eyes.

"A shot I can take but having a fucking rapist escape me now that I couldn't take" I said before shrugging off my jacket and bag pack.

Hearing him sigh I looked down at my wound the shot as gone through my arm. Oscar had already tied a piece of cloth on it so we got in my car.

Driving home we both got out and made our way into the house.

Running my hand through my hair I saw Leon sitting on the bottom of the stairs, making an attempted to hid from him before he saw me, he looked up.


"Mom" he said before running towards me.


"Hey baby" I said before hugging him.

"Your bleeding" he said looking at my fingers that were dripping from blood.

This is why I wanted to hide from him.

"Um... It's nothing" I said placing my hand behind my back.

"Mom" he frowned.

"Ok it's not my blood I hit a dear and she died-" I said

"Mom I'm not dumb. Don't lie please" he frowned

"Hey kid want to go get some ice cream?" Oscar said and Leon ignored him.

"Let's go to the nurse before you die" Leon said after taking my other hand.

Smiling at him we started walking to the infirmary.

After Eric dressed my wound we walked out.

"You want to go to the park?" I asked

"Are you sure you don't want to go rest?" he said while looking at my arm

"Kiddo I'm okay and no I don't need to go rest" I said with a smile

I love my kid

"Okay then let's go" he said

"Go change and I'll go take a bath" I said and he nod before running towards his room

Since I had organize all his clothes it was easy for him to dress him self.

Since I had organize all his clothes it was easy for him to dress him self

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