Chapter 44~ "I hate him"

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Not edited- Make sure to comment and Please remember to click that little after reading! This is my apology for what you are about to read... Have a good read babessss! *Wiggles eyebrows like Emilio and Alex*

All love though <3

𝐈𝐯𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭

I feel more tears fall down my cheeks as I bite my lip, we weren't even official. So why does it hurt? I turn and run back to the elevator which thankfully is empty and I step in before the doors close, as soon as it starts I press the stop button and close my eyes taking a deep breath.

I told you he'd never care for you

Oh we're doing this again?

Why'd he look at me like that? He looked at me like he hated me so fucking much, like I took the one thing he loved. What the fuck did I do this time to mess this up? I thought I was doing good, the act, I really thought it was up well.

He didn't cheat on me, we weren't even together. I keep telling myself, that he had the full right to change his mind about me and move to someone else. But it makes no sense, Molly hurt him, she did so many things to hurt him so why her? I would think he was forced into that situation but the way he looked at me, the cold eyes, distant tone, he said the words he knows I hate. Somehow he found out for some reason I hate those words. So he never used them, never knew the reason but never used them. So why now?

I cover my face as a sob rips through me, he left just like dad. Gave up on me just like Xander and Mom, why does everyone leave at one point? All this is never fucking permanent. ALL I WANTED WAS TO BE HAPPY, with him...

Why would he stay? Everyone hates you

No one hat-You're so un-likable.

Horrible, ugly, pathetic little Ivy

I cover my ears as I cry harder, "Stop" I whisper begging the voice in my head to stop. Consy, Please tell it to stop. There is no damn Consy anymore, It's just me.

Another sob is let lose as I close my eyes covering my ears more, stop stop stop make it stop please make it stop-He hates you, just like Seb, D and Nico will soon-I bet Abby and Athena will even hate you.

"Please, stop" I beg lightly and my phone buzzes, stop being a little pathetic bitch and shut the fuck up before leaving.

My hair falls to my face and I quickly move it, look at you crying in an elevator over a guy that played you. He-He didn't, he'd never hur-YOU SAW IT ALL

My phone buzzes again and I lean against the wall, make it stop please someone make the voice stop. You should be used to it by now, everyone hates you. You just found out he did too, get over it bitch.

I start breathing heavily through my mouth when it gets harder the breath, the elevator suddenly feeling 10 times smaller. You don't deserve happiness anyways, it's why god even took your dad. You got him killed.

I hold onto my knees opening my eyes as the room spins and my breath gets stuck in my lungs, pathetic, look at you Ivy.

I hate this, I hate me

You should, you are a horrible person.

Now get the fuck out of here, and go do something of your useless life you got your father killed for. Murderer.

No, I didn't kill him. I didn't-shut up, no one cares what you have to say

I let out another cry when it gets harder and harder to breath, I need to get out of here, I need fresh air. I quickly press the button begging for the voice to stop and be replaced with Consy again, this voice scares me, so much, makes me panic.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now