Chapter 36: Draco

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Here we go....

TW!! - sexual and physical abuse is mentioned.

All rights of world and characters belong to J. K. Rowling.

You hate me.
You hate me.
You hate me.
You are using me.
You are using me.
You are using me.

"Draco, I think you should take one of these as well."

He is on the floor. Somehow he ended up on the floor. He looks up and she is gone. His eyes dart to the still closed front door that she had been wanting to open to follow the fucker.

"She is in your room Draco. She didn't leave. I think we should give her some space. I placed a diagnostic charm on her. Here, take the potion."

He swallows the contents and squeezes his eyes shut as he lets his head drop in between his knees. His hands are shaking. Everything is shaking. Everything is breaking.

Walls, and walls, and walls.

Was it real? Was I wrong? Did I...

"Did I take advantage of her?"

"No Draco, fuck mate. She switched, couldn't you hear her voice change? She wasn't her when she said that. You aren't using her. I don't know why she would..."

"I do. Because Malfoy was right. My fucking brother did this."

"What do you mean?"

He opens his eyes, and glares at the ginger moving to the floor next to Nott as a continuous mantra goes on in his mind.

I should have killed him.
I should have killed him.
I should have killed him.
You hate me.
You are using me.

"I mean the git more than likely told her how he believes you two snakes are manipulating her. That you only saved her, and are being kind to her, to gain your own freedom after all this is over. And I am sure Hermione probably let the extra curricular activities you and her have been up to slip finally, and Ron lost it. That is the only thing I can see pushing him to leave, and to say something so truly awful to her. Oh, and to also steal my damn cloak. The bloody tosser."

Wait, she had told the bastard? She had finally told him they had sex? What did she say? How had she explained it? Probably terribly if it was his guess. How could you explain something you were struggling to understand yourself?

So the fucker knew. He knew and had then proceeded to tell her she was crazy, and broken, and gone, and everything that he knew would hit right where it needed to. To break her. To destroy her.

I should have killed him.

The shaking continues to take over, moving into his lips, and legs, and lungs. He looks down the hall to the door to their room. He can hear her crying. The most horrible noise in the world.

I am so fucking sick of hearing you cry Granger.

Draco moves to stand. He needs to be with her. He needs to reassure her. Bring her back. Let her know she isn't alone. But his legs aren't working. They are shaking and frozen.

And she flinched when he had reached out to her.

He saw it.

She flinched.

And then she proceeded to move away from him. To tell him that she was a mudblood to him. That he hated her. That he was using her.

He vomits before he can stop himself.

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