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Alex laughs as Jesse ' accidentally' falls

" let me help." Alex says and Grabs Jesses hand making Jesse smirk

" idiot." He says before biting into Alex's arm making him yell as Jesse pulls away from his arm

" what did you do?!" Alex yells as he holds his arm in pain

" changed you. " Jesse says as a girl wearing a hood watches

" You said you'd stop." She whispers as Alex closes his eyes and fangs come out

" Stay away from me." Alex hisses before Slamming his foot into Jesse's chest sending him flying

" You're strong even though you haven't drank human blood. " Jesse groans before running at Alex who slides under him and Grabs his legs

" and you're weak for someone who has." Alex says before throwing him across the woods

" Now leave me alone." Alex says before catching Jesse by the throat and Slams him on the ground

" Goodbye Jesse." He says before running away

" where is Sarah?" Jesse asks with a smirk on his face

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