The Whispering Woods

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~~Evelyn Dayne~~

I look out into the small clearing just past the treeline. The small clearing is surrounded by forest. That's where they'll be if the Blackfish gets them to come.

I can't help but feel fear. In a few hours, that clearing is going to be littered with corpses of dead men and women. Gods, I've only killed one person before. I feel as if that is going to change.

My hands shake slightly as I put up my shoulder length curly black hair into a tight half bun. The thick leather brigandine armor feels like it is heavier than it was yesterday. Hell, everything does. With the brigandine and the chainmail underneath, I feel as heavy as a horse. I'm just glad the ground isn't sodden.

I lean against a tree, sliding down to sit on the ground as I try and fail to control my rapid heartbeat. For fucks sake, the battle isn't even here yet. I guess the saying is right.

Waiting is half the battle.

"Care for a drink?"

I look up, seeing a rather ugly women holding a bottle of wine with her. She wears armor and a sword like it's nothing. There's a certain confidence in her stride and despite the coming storm, she wears a smile on her face.

"No. Thank you though."

"Really, child? Come on, have a drink."

She says again and I shake my head.

"I would rather be sobber for the battle."

"Ha! Like any man or woman who's fought has thought that."

I sigh.

"What's your name?"

I ask.

"Lady Mormont of Bear Island."

My eyes widen slightly and I immediately stand out of respect.

"Oh, no need to be bowing down to me, child."


I ask in confusion.

"Nah. Nobody really does anyways."

"I have heard much about, my Lady. Your brother is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch! My brother went to Castle Black a few months ago."

"Your brother? Didn't know there were any more of you Dayne's."

She says and I look down, shaking my head.

"Jon Snow..the bastard of Winterfell... We don't share blood or a name but he is my brother."

I say, looking back up at her. Lady Mormont just smiles.

"Family can be complicated. But by the gods if it ain't the most important thing in the world. My little girl, Lyanna, means everything to me. After he father was taken by fever after she was born, she was all I had. And when Robb Stark called the banners, I chose to answer the call."

She takes a swig from the bottle.

"We Mormont's aren't a large House, you see, but we pack a punch where it counts."

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