Illegal Love: Chapter Two

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I was standing outside of my house door about to go in. Scared of course. My father was home and he never takes things lightly.

It's all - get good grades - be reasonable 24/7 - don't do this - don't do that. He gets extremely strict sometimes. Sometimes it's to the point of hitting me if I get a question wrong.

Lately, he's been seeing my brother Nex a lot but not letting me or mom go see him. My mom and I miss him a lot. He's at the local hospital in our town but it's pretty far away. He's always been dad's favorite but what dad doesn't know is that Nex is gay.

I have no problems with it at all but dad...he's super homophobic and he manipulates mom into thinking it's inhumane and not normal but if he didn't; she probably would just try to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, she likes to do that.


I finally get the courage to go inside and I see my father sitting at the table reading the newspaper. I very quietly try to sneak past him to the stairs but the floorboards creak and he looks up. He looks at me for two seconds before yelling and slamming the newspaper down.

"Antonio where have you been!" I start shaking a little "You're not supposed to be out, you already went out twice! And why are you all wet? What the hell happened!?"

I already expected this. I just hope he doesn't get physical. "Mother let me go out to return my library book," I said.

"I'm going to have a word with you mother," he spat, "Now you go upstairs, change, and study. Or do I have to smack some sense into you?"

"No sir," I said quietly and still shaking and my lips trembling.

"Speak up!"

"No sir," I said a little louder so that he would hear and began my trip up the stairs.

"Ungrateful brat" I heard him mutter through gritted teeth and then his eyes traveled back down to his newspaper.

I went up the stairs as fast as I could without being loud and go into my room as I start tearing up.

Simon's POV:

I saw as this 'Antonio' kid waited outside his door. I couldn't care less what happened to him so I just started walking away.

I got to my house ten minutes later after buying some beer for my dad. He threatened Lumi the first time I refused to buy beer for him and I almost jumped him. Even though I would lose against him, no one threatens my sister.

I went inside my house and I saw Lumi in the corner of the hallway crying. I ran up to her and took her in my arms and asked "what's wrong?"

"Daddy is mad that- that we don't have any of his beer left and I got a-away before he did anything."

She was hiccuping and trembling. She was bawling in my arms and I knew that it wouldn't be good for her to be here right now.

I couldn't take her to Damian's or Dasia's. Their families aren't the best either. They are my two friends I was with earlier when we first met that kid...that kid!

He seemed to have a good house. Probably good parents. Although, he was a little suspicious. He seemed to be anxious and was looking everywhere else but me.

I look at my sister and see how she's still sobbing.

She needs to be safe.

So without a lot of thinking, I put the pack of beer down and pick her up.

Lumi immediately looked up from my shoulder and asked...

"Where are we going?"


We now stood in front of the kid's house and my sister's tears have all dried up. We're looking at the two-story house in front of us and for the first time, I'm thinking...

'am I really doing this?'

I look up at the second story and see the kid's window open and a pretty clear view of his room. I look next to his window and see a tree and it looks pretty easy to get climb. So, with some struggling and a few curse words under my breath later, I'm on the roof that leads to his window.

I quickly tapped on the glass and he turned around.


Antonio's POV:

I put my book away on my shelf when I ran back to my room. I was thinking about sleeping my feelings away but then I heard a tapping on my window and I turned around to see...

Simon and a little girl in his arms?

I was shocked, to say the least, but then in a hurry, Simon said: "take her, I'll be back later."

He dropped her in my room and took off down the tree. I saw him get on a motorcycle and now the little girl was left in my room with dried tears on her flushed face.

"Uh...hi?" I was a little scared. Simon might not be here by the time my parents get back. They always go out every Friday until ten 0'clock to keep the 'magic alive' much to my dad's disappointment. My dad doesn't like it when I'm home alone.

The little girl looked at me and said "I'm Simon's little sister, Lumi, what's your name?"

"Uh...Antonio" I said it a little weird because I was still confused about what was happening. "Cool. My brother said that I was going to stay here for a few hours."

I looked at her a little confused for another second before I said...

"do you want to color?"


"I'm going to nickname you Antoni!" I pick up the pink colored pencil and then responded with "really? That isn't really a-"

"I don't care. That's still what I'm calling you." I figured throughout the previous hour that Lumi is really sarcastic for her age "what's your age? I'm eight." "Oh, I'm eighteen" I reply, still a little scared because it's almost 8 o'clock.

"Oh. My brother is nineteen. One year older."

"Huh, Your brother is a little scary," I say, hoping that Lumi wouldn't take that wrong.

"He's not! He's really sweet to me" I look at her and smile.

"You know, my coloring is better than yours."

Lumi looked surprised at what I said. "No, mine is better! I even stayed in the lines..." Lumi tilted her head to the side "mostly..." she said looking a little confused "Whatever, mine is still better" she said, with an accomplished look on her face. "Nope" I popped the 'p' when I said that but then I felt a heavyweight. This little girl jumped on me and started tickling me and after our wrestling/tickle fight (that she ended up winning by the way), We ate some cereal and watched my little pony, her favorite TV show.

And she ended up falling asleep. And around 9 o'clock, I heard a motorcycle pull up. I looked outside to see Simon going up the tree and the roof to be next to my window, I slowly opened it and said with a finger up to my lips "shh she's sleeping."

I shake Lumi a little so she wakes up.

"whats going on?" Lumi has the cutest sleepy voice.

"your brother here," I said quietly. "really?" she whisper yells. She got really excited and got up quickly and ran to him. She waved to me cutely.

"You can bring her back anytime"


Words: 1238

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