Dream Log: 8/17/21 - 8/23/21

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All I can remember was being invisible and assisting in an event. And I was to do a repeat of sorts for a second time. It all happened at a family gathering; I had to get this one person from Point A to Point B without being seen. Some chaos would happen. I believe Wilbur Soot was in the background somewhere.

I was in an apartment of my own. There were other buildings outside; saw this red and black one very close by. Then a group of wet boys came waltzing in through my back door. I was stressed since I just wanted to get ready for work. They started asking questions and just refused to leave. Though I somehow managed with the help of a friend. However, they had left a bunch or sticky note clues just about everywhere; they even use some of my mini canvases. I don't know what the clues were for.

I did a lot of wandering around in this city; it was almost void of life and lights. I saw Angel Dust, or someone very similar to him, climb out a window to escape. He wasn't caught. Another was this mascot that looked similar to the VR Duck Hunt's dog. I don't know what they were doing or going to do.

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