Chapter-6: Secrets and Smiles

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            "Despite the forecast, still live like it's spring" - Lily Pulitzer



I was returning from school when I saw Peter on the sofa.

I stopped and stared at him for a few seconds. Why was he here? In the Stark Tower? 
I suddenly felt awkward and weird. This felt like an invasion of privacy. Nobody was ever here except MJ, Soph and Vihaan's friends. It felt wrong.

'It's weird because you do not trust him at all, but at the same time, trust him infinitely, right?' The voice in my head echoed.
'Shut up', I willed. 
'I never have. Never will.' It replied.

 "Peter? What're you doing here?" I asked quietly.
"Oh, umm......why are you here?" he sidetracked.
"Tony's mine and Vihaan's godfather. I live here. Now tell me, why are you here?" I asked, hurriedly.

"Stark Internship. I'm living here for a few weeks." he quickly says. I relaxed slightly. Stark internships were common, but mostly for college students. They never needed people to live here, though...

Peter must be extraordinarily smart, then. Extremely useful.
 I thought. He was acting weird, though. I walked to my room and closed the door. Something was suspicious, but I didn't wanna get into it. It wasn't my business. And anyway, Peter was now an acquaintance of mine and seemed to be an open book. 

'You like his smile, and seeing him all flustered, don't you?' The voice in my head asked.
'So what?' I smiled.
'Do I not deserve to finally act like a schoolgirl?'


She walked into Varuna's bedroom and slammed the door shut.
"Oh, my god, she might be Varuna," I whispered out loud.
"But, they don't act the same. They're not the same person. They can't be."

She probably knew her. She probably knew all of the Avengers. Heck, wasn't she part of their family? Oh my God, she's Tony Stark's legal daughter! She must be so excited about that! That's so cool! 
Maybe I've mixed it all up. Maybe I've got the wrong picture!

I slowly stood up from the sofa and walked to her bedroom. I see a photo frame on the wall, of all the Avengers eating shawarma, Amara acting annoyed and Vihaan holding his shawarma up to the camera.

They looked so happy. They looked like a family.  

The door to her bedroom was unlocked, so I slowly opened it, peeking through the crack.  

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