Cute Girl

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I had only just finished streaming when I noticed the time, as well as the group having to replace Rose now that had to replace me as well.  I really liked playing with Rosie today, more then I thought I would have. Normally when new people are added they aren't that great and mess up the whole group dynamic, but Rosie didn't do that. We ended both our streams on a good note though as we both won as importers. 

After seeing those cat ear headphones though, I couldn't put her stream away. She doesn't know it but that was the whole reason we won, if i didn't hear her talking to chat about how it was 'supposedly' courage then we would've lost. I'm not the most confident guy off stream, on stream is like seventy percent me, thirty percent a personal. But if i didn't do anything now we properly won't speak again, not at least for a while. So I decided to text her. 


hey Rosie we make a good team, you should join another one of my games next time.

After a couple minutes without response, I figured she was probably busy with something else. I had needed to go to the shops in a while but as i don't usually like to go during a day, I've been trying to find time to go after streaming. It's currently half ten at night so hopefully not many people would be out, especially someone who would recognize me. 

It took a while but I managed to get here on foot. There weren't many things I had to get, mostly food. I had seen this girl around, she was cute, her sweater paws she made when she went into the cold section to grab the milk. Every so often she would have a little skip in her walk, when she seemed like she finally was done she walked back past me in a random isle I was in and her eyes locked to these key chain teddies. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. 

Instead of staring and probably making the girl uncomfortable, I decided to just finish my shopping and get home. Well that was what i thought until she didn't stop looking around and up at me. 

"excuse me?" she whispered. Obviously hearing her and wanting to talk back I turned to face her. But when I saw her I couldn't bring myself to talk. She would recognize me, Rosie would recognize me. As much as i wanted to talk and let her know it was me, My anxiety didn't like that idea. What if she would somehow she leaked what i looked like. Or thought I was ugly and didn't want to stream together again. Instead of answering, I nodded and let her continue. 

"hmm do you know where the toy isle is?" I gave up with trying to force myself to communicate and decided to just hum and nod. But then she did something that i didn't think could make her any cuter. Rosie started to rock on her heals as she spoke. I nodded again and felt my self smile and the little thins she was doing. 

We walked down the middle isle towards the back of the store. It was quite a big selection of toys so it wasn't hard to miss. As I walked closer to the back of the store, Rosie tugged on the bottom of my shirt. I turned to fully face her and raised my eyebrow in question. 

"could you slow down please?" This girl was really testing me. Her smile was so innocent and it just made me smile even more. By now I would've thought she was used to this strange guy not talking to I turned back to walk but walked at the same pace as her, making sure she was in eye shot at all, if not most, times. 

Once we got to the isle I let her go off yet she stayed with me at the end. She looked hesitant but soon looked up a me to say thank you and walked off. I decided it was probably best to finish my own shopping instead of staying put, I just felt like I had to make sure no one was going to do anything to her. 

If only mental health was so simple i would've told her who I was, as if anxiety wasn't a thing, or body dysmorphia. It got to a point were I was just standing in front of the animal food and was trying to move my feet back towards the toy isle but nothing worked. Until I thought it did. As  walked back her way I didn't find her there anymore, only her bag filled with things i knew she had bought when we walked together. This was a way of interacting with her without her technically interacting with me. 

She must have gotten distracted and put the bag down because I saw her at the till when I was searching for her. She was with another man when I saw her this time, only when I got closer it didn't seem as much they were together as more he was staring at her body. Oh how I knew what that was like, at least for other reasons anyway. 

It felt strange the way I felt when I saw what was going on, I had only known the girl for so man hours and she probably didn't even give me a second thought. Though earlier I wasn't even able to talk in front of her something that man was doing made me completely forget everything else.

When the man looked up he opened his mouth to talk, "hi, baby-"

"hey angel, you forgot some of our stuff back there" our?. 

"here let me carry them to the car" Rosie could only nod and smile in response but walked alongside the me as we walked out of the store. My mind was still on getting her away from the guy and my brain seemed to have a mind of it's own as it kept on talking. 

"cute bunny, it was a good choice" cute girl, but that would be weird of a stranger to say. Rose made sweater paws and tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks which again only made me chuckle under my breath.

I didn't actually have a car, it was mostly just a lie to leave. As we did walk to the end of the car park I subconsciously walked at her own pace instead of mine.  

"These are actually yours, you left them in the toy isle" I tried to explained, handing them over.

"oh, thank you. And thank you for back there, it was starting to get a bit weird."

"A bit? It seemed like you were very uncomfortable, I didn't like how that guy was looking at you. I mean he wasn't even looking at you but more...well you get what i'm on about" Rosie blushed slightly at my words which was cute. She nodded, not seeming to want to talk about what had happened.

"Thank you again" she spoke before leaving in the opposite direction then I. 

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