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Seiji flopped onto the couch once she was inside the room. "This is pure injustice."

"What is?"

"You getting this cozy couch while what we have in the common room is stiff as cardboard."

"Perks of being the director." 

Seiji threw a cushion at Jimin which smacked the laughing man right at his face.

"Yah! I'm your director!" Jimin yelled in mock anger.

"Yah! The position is hereditary," Seiji deadpanned.

"Accurate. Still hurtful."

"Trust Seiji to get the facts right," She flipped her hair back. "But seriously, there are quite a few things that I need to discuss. Can you be serious for a moment?"

"Okay," Jimin closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, all the playfulness from them was gone. "What did you want to discuss?"


"I can't believe we were cooped up in here all day long," Seiji groaned, massaging her stiff neck.

"I know, right? Dad made it seem so easy!" Jimin whined.

"It was because he loved what he did."

The male narrowed his eyes. "You love your work too."

"True. However, there is a difference. I like it when I work inside the surgery rooms. I don't like paper work. Nobody likes paper work." Seiji made a disgusted face.

"Apparently Dad did."

"Sir is an exception." Jimin laughed at that.

"Speaking of which, I got a call from the head of NSH. The patient has recovered well." Jimin said, fiddling with a few visiting cards from his drawer.

"Min Yoongi," He read from the card. "Thanked us a lot."

"Us?" Seiji interrupted.

"Us, as in you and me."

"Why you? I was the one who did the surgery," She narrowed her eyes.

"Because I allowed you to go there in the first place. Now shut up and listen." Jimin received another pillow on his face.

"Respect, young man."

He ignored her words completely. "He wants us to join him for dinner. The other surgeon you worked with is also coming."


"Next Friday?" 

"Why are you saying it like a question?" Seiji laughed.

"I'm not sure if you can clear up your schedule," Jimin replied.

She pondered for a moment. "It's going to be a damn rich reservation. Of course I'm coming."

"You say that as if you can't afford all the Michellin star hotels here." 

"True, true," Seiji laughed along with the younger.

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