Chapter Eight

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Hao Xuan was on the verge of screaming or breaking things

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Hao Xuan was on the verge of screaming or breaking things. He wasn't sure what would offend Xiao Zhan less.

Tugging at his black hair he peeked a glance over his shoulder to see if his best friend found enough conscience to speak about it.

However it was fruitless. Xiao Zhan stared at the blank wall reflecting all his pain and frustration onto it Hao Xuan wanted to slap him.

To his misery he couldn't find sufficient confidence to whack Xiao Zhan because although the older man looked harmless and vulnerable now, his anger was a demon.

He dared not poke on the wrong string or else he'll snap. Thus, he kept quiet, groaning as he leant against the wall balancing all his weight on his right while he had his left hand on his hip.

Xiao Zhan very much understood what Xuan was thinking but he couldn't speak. He was rendered speechless and he didn't know how to feel about his circumstances.

That boy was a tornado. He arrived unexpectedly, ruffled all his feathers, leaving behind him a mess of a human who couldn't go back to its original state. And the young amber eyed boy left unexpectedly, leaving him gripping on to the tip of a cliff knowing not when he will fall.

Or, had he already fallen?

"He left." Xiao Zhan finally cleared his throat, suffocating in the tension would kill him quicker than a bullet.


"Wang Yibo."

Hao Xuan strode to his side, grabbed the chair, twirled it around to face Xiao Zhan and sat unceremoniously patiently waiting until the other continued. Xiao Zhan didn't know where he should start so he thought sarcasm was the best option.

"I hit the jackpot." Xiao Zhan said grinning albeit the lifelessness in his words and his expressions. Xiao Zhan always presented a warm front but now he was different. Aloof, cold, quiet. Qualities Xuan would hurriedly assume to someone else if not for the flinching reality.

"What the fuck are you talking about Zhan?" Hao Xuan was exasperated and he had enough reason for such a feat.

Xiao Zhan stilled. The words didn't hit him like it did when Yibo had said them. He was furious when Yibo swore for all the gods to hear. At least he believed his reactions with others were the same although his mind constantly disagreed with him.

Xiao Zhan had enough with the nonsensical tug of war so he explained everything from A to Z without leaving a word or maybe he kept everything he felt to himself.

"So you fell in love with a boy named Wang Yibo. It was love at first sight and now the boy had disappeared into thin air?" Hao Xuan asked, briefing all what he had said into just two sentences.

"Love? What are you saying?" Xiao Zhan asked, gritting his teeth.

"Come on Zhan, as much as you are a renowned criminal lawyer, you're quite dense."

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