Chpater 52

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(Rare A/n:"The Ember Island Players" will be split into two parts, this chapter which is leading up to it and the next chapter that is going to be named "Ember Island Players" These will be the last chapters before the last episode so I at least wanted to give you guys a bit more lore on y/n if possible as well his and others reactions to the acting before the end, thank you for reading and we're in the final stretch of the book!)

Y/n is sitting next to Azula waiting for Wan to arrive to take them back

It is taking far longer than expected

Y/n doesn't say anything as he just waits with Azula doing the same

Wan eventually lands next to them

Y/n:What took you so long?

Wan:Sokka had informed me that we should go to another location and I agreed, Zuko suggested an old home of the family...

Azula:You mean that one we haven't been to in...years?

Wan:Precisely...Princess Azula, as a person close to The Eternal Flame,I am here for you whenever you need or see fit...

Azula:Why make me such a priority?

Wan:In my several studies, I have concluded that your happiness ultimately leads to y/n's happiness, it is in my best interest, and the world's, to keep it that way as much as possible...I think it would be better if you two stayed together, at least for the time being...

Azula:If you told me years ago that I would agree with a giant owl on something, I'd call you crazy and have y/n slience you...I agree to these terms...

Wan:I know The Eternal Flame's anwser already...climb on,I would take this time to explain to Princess Azula about your other friends...

They both climb on as Wan flies off

Y/n:So what do you think of my friends in the time you've seen them...?

Azula:I don't like them very much...

Y/n sighs a bit

Azula:But I'll do my best to at least tolerate them...

Y/n:Okay, well you know about Zuko already...

Azula:Ah,Zuzu...grown up but still a moron sometimes...

Y/n:Don't expect him to believe in the same things like he used to...

Azula:Like that he is better firebender than me? I bet he is still using basic fire,as opposed to my blue fire...

Y/n:He has become significantly better,as have I...

Azula:So you use blue fire?

Y/n:I probably could, but it is unneeded...

Azula:Show me...


Azula:Let me see you try to make blue fire...


He creates a small blue fire in his hand it reflects in her eyes


Y/n:Right? But the fire looks cool too I guess...

He smiles at her as she looks at him and does the same

Azula:Next person...

Y/n:There's Aang,I like him! He's the Avatar as you know...he has a lot of responsibility so take it easy on and him have been working together for a bit, this is my first time seeing the Avatar physically, I'd say he's left a good first impression...

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