The Life of a Leaf

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I'm such a Pretty leaf
With a Gorgeous green dress 💚

But it really hurts when my dress turns yellow 💛

It's time for me to leave 🥺

It bleeds when I'm detached from my home stem..
I feel scared to fall...
Uff... I landed pretty safe.
I'm terrified to lay on the ground... 💔

Is it my new home..?
But everything feels new..!
I feel lonely... 🥺
I feel cold... 😑

Here comes the Wind 🤗
Hey... I feel loved in his hands
I feel the Warmth..
I feel secured💜

Slowly I forgot about my stem home. 🤐

I'll live with the wind...
My dress turns brown  🤎

Here I'm
Immersed in the Soil...
Is this my whole life... 😢

Hey Leaf,
Not only yours...
But life of all the girls too... 😔

_ Chaaru _

A random try fam ❤️

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