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Leo looked up at me and I smirked.

"It was just a question plus he's cute" I smiled while knowing he was affected by my words.

He didn't say anything instead he leaned back into his chair and glared at his rings.

"Okay" Ace said awkwardly

"Need a drink" Diego asked me while standing up

"No I'm good" I said and they laughed all expect Leon of course

"I will have a cold coke please" Leon said and we looked at him

"Coming right up king" Diego said and we laughed.

"Whiskey for me"

"And I'll have a-" Ace started but Diego cut through his sentence.

"Get it yourselves" he said before walked away.

"Dickhead" Leo grumbled

"Can I say that" Leon asked

"No" both Leo and I said

"It was a joke I know it's wrong" he said and I sighed while Leo smirked.

Sending him a glare I turned around to look into the crowd.

"Hey sweetheart" Leo said and I looked at him. Only thing he wasn't talking to me

Why would he even be talking to you. My subconscious asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Get me a bottle of whiskey and three glasses" he said and the waitress nod before walking away.

"Baby really?" I asked while raising an eyebrow

"She's cute" he smirked and I rolled my eyes while Ace chuckled lowly.

Diego came back and sat down before handing me a coke and a glass for Leon.

I opened the coke before pouring some into the glass then gave it to him

"Thank you mommy" he said

"Your welcome kiddo" I said and he placed the glass to his lips.

(After the party)


"Where are you going baby mama" I asked to Tatiana who was about to head up stairs.

"I don't feel so well, I think I should go lay down" she said

Oh really now

"Okay but the doctor is already here so let's go" I said

"Leo I really don't feel well" she said while holding her tummy.

"It won't take long sweetheart-"

"Leo can't we just do this tomorrow please" she asked after cutting into my sentence.

"Get your ass down here and let's go" I said in a deadly tone.

She then walked to the bottom off the stairs before walking towards the infirmary

We entered the infirmary and Ashley of our doctors greeted us.

"Mr and Mrs. Valentino" Ashley said and I gave her a nod.

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