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"Sup losers," Leo nods towards the two boys sat outside the school smoking a joint. My eyes narrow, I'm jealous.

The two both screw their faces at Leo before turning away, what was once their face was now their backs.

"Idiots," Leo mumbles, hugging his knees.

I copy, placing my bag on the grass before turning towards the boy with a very curly afro.

"Truth be told, your the only person who has talked to me this whole year," Leo admits,  rubbing his eyebrow in embarrassment.

My mouth drops, "What? But it's november."

"Yeah, doesn't mean people take their time to talk to me, the popular bitches made up some rumor about me and now I'm the bad guy," He sighs.

He's talking to me like I know everything that's happened in the past three months, it's kinda calming.

It's better than the awkward small talk you make when you first meet someone. It's a lot better.

"What happened?" I ask. The boy takes a deep breath before shaking his head, probably wondering if he should tell some random stranger this.

But I'm a nosy prick, so I'd love to know.

"I dated one of those preppy cheerleaders, she cheated on me with one of the jocks," Leo let's out another deep breath.

"I confronted her, and everything turned on me. Just like it does when you try anything with those girls," He admits again, shaking his head in disgust.

I sigh, "That still happens? I thought people would have grown up by now."

Leo nods, looking into the distance, "Nope. Maddie and Ryan are hated by most people, but nobody dares to go against them."

"Simply because they're whole life will be destroyed in a day."

My eyebrows raise, so they haven't changed one bit. Still the same bitches they've always been. And I hate them.

"Your like my only friend right now," Leo sharply intakes a breath, before blowing it out, the hot air creating small clouds of smoke.

I laugh, "Who said we're friends?"

Leo freezes, looking embarrassed as panic washes over me, only before I laugh it over.

"I was kidding! Course we're friends," I laugh awkwardly before running a hand through my hair.

We stay in silence for a while as Leo stares at the grass, occasionally tearing out little pieces when deep in thought.

"You may think everyone hates you, but I really doubt it," I continue, blowing out into the coldness surrounding us.

"A new note calling me some kind of name is put into my locker everyday. I'm pretty sure they hate me," Leo grumbles.

"Just following a crowd," I admit, fiddling with the ends of my blazer as we sit in silence again.

Suddenly, someone slumps themselves down beside us. She sits on her backpack, just before she gasps about sitting on her book.

Braids fall down her side, as she nods to the music playing from her headphone in one ear. Her nose is small and pointed upwards as she continues to read.

Turning to Leo, he sends me a shrug and eye look as if to say 'I don't know who this is?'. I return the same one, awkwardly.

Her eyes flick up from the book and back to us, she smiles before returns to her book.

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