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| H A R R Y |

"Angel...baby..." I breathed out heavily, the feeling of her lips against my neck becoming too much to bare.

"Mm." She hummed, pausing her sinful movements with her tongue as she took her face out of my neck to stare at me with big eyes.

"As much as I'd love to take you up against the wall, today is our last day in Paris." I said, reaching up to tuck a strand of the red wig she was wearing behind her ear, a sudden reminder that we were both very much still dirty and in our evening wear.

"So?" She breathed, leaning in to kiss my lips.

"So..." I laughed, pushing her face away from mine gently, tutting at her pouty face as she stuck her bottom lip out at me.

"Go shower, I'll get you something different to change into. I have an important phone call to make." I nudged her body in the direction of the bathroom that was connected to my our room, playfully slapping her ass as she continued to pout at me.

Turning around, I made my way over to her suitcase that was tirelessly thrown next to the bed, the case was open and most of her clothing was scattered on the floor.

It didn't take me long to find an outfit for her, which consisted of a thin, black spaghetti strap top and some high waisted grey sweats.

Of course, I didn't forget the underwear, and I grinned as I pulled out a pair of baby pink laced lingerie that had delicate flowers lining the hem of both the bra and the panties. Now I'm realising how much of a pervert I sound...oops.

I turned my attention to the window, seeing it was still dark outside, with it being the early hours of the morning. I thought for a second, debating whether or not to get her something a little warmer.

"Fuck it." I said, turning around and going to my own suitcase, digging out my worn out brown suede jacket that I knew would keep her warm. I kept the jacket on the bed as I made my way to the bathroom door, where I knocked gently before letting myself in after hearing a soft hum.

A blast of steam hit my face as I walked in, only just being able to make out the counter of the bathroom as I shut the door behind me, walking over to it, I set the clothes down just in time to hear the shower door open behind me.

"Thank you, H." Angel's soft voice called out to me as she peeked her head out from behind the shower door, only giving enough room to fit her head through, the rest of her body concealed by the door and the steam.

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